Grayson Global Initiative
Autor: Valery Wafula • December 5, 2017 • Research Paper • 6,676 Words (27 Pages) • 758 Views
- Introduction of the Organization
Grayson Global Initiative is an American based foundation. It is a worldwide development organization that was established in the early 1930’s by Daniel Grayson and his wife, Catherine Grayson. The Grayson Foundation has overtime grown to become a multinational donor funding organization that takes key roles in implementing various projects and action plans across the globe. Currently, it has come up with an action plan to monitor the reduction of malnutrition levels of young children under the age of five years in Turkana County.
The Grayson Global Foundation shall be directly in charge of coordinating the implementation of the activities of the action plan at the county and sub-county levels. However, it will work closely with the county level structures so as to feed the national level coordination unit. All the key stakeholders, the Grayson Global Foundation, the County administrators and the national directors will play a critical role in execution of the malnutrition eradication plan.
1.1. Vision
The responsibility of Grayson Global Foundation is to continually improve all aspects of the world in which we operate; social, economic and environment- to create a better tomorrow than today. The vision of the Foundation is to put into action through programs and a focus on nutritional stewardship, activities to benefit the society, and a commitment to make the world a better place to live in.
1.2. Mission
The mission for Grayson Global Foundation is to cultivate vibrant communities by enlightening and connecting people with the necessary skills on improving nutrition levels through training workshops and implementation of projects, information, resources and services they need to make a living and life.
2.0. Description of the project
Improving Nutrition status among Children under 5 Years in Turkana County.
Nutrition plays a key role in human and well-being throughout the life cycle. Good nutrition is a human right. Malnutrition in all its forms amounts to an intolerance burden not only on health systems but it is also the greatest impediment to the fulfillment of human potential. Nutrition Surveys conducted in Turkana County in the last 3 years indicate a high burden of malnutrition in the county, with a Global acute malnutrition rate of 14.6% according to survey conducted in June 2014 compared to 12% in April 2014, while stunting stand at 7.1%. Additionally, the county is also experiencing a rise in diet-related non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes and cancers that are attributed to consumption of foods low in fiber and high in fats and sugars. This double burden on malnutrition is serious and without deliberate and concerted effort, will lead to increased loss of productivity and lives.