Autor: Amnah Khan • October 21, 2015 • Course Note • 1,171 Words (5 Pages) • 999 Views
Birth and infancy 0-3 yrs.
Approximately 9 months, when Angelina is ready to go in labor. They are three stages:
Stage 1
Angelina steadily starts to have contract, when the process starts at her cervix and lead to the amniotic sac to burst. During pregnancy Angelina cervix was closed due to the infection also it gave a strong base which held in the womb, to position the baby during pregnancy. The first stage of labor, was that Angelina cervix had to go into a new position, which it ripen open. On average it open around 10 cm so the baby head could get out.
Stage 2
Angelina slowly starts to push that baby slowly through the birth canal. As it was the first time to meet the child. The pressure of Angelina pushing the baby out through the pelvis, which the contractions already started.Anglina started to use the breathing technique as it was an easier option. The baby will gradually come out slowly. The baby head will be far down the pelvis as the womb will start to strong because it will stretch around the head.Anglina continues to push until the baby comes out.
Stage 3
Angelina baby is born, with a placenta and a empty bag of water where it flows of the uterus during contraction .The contraction become weaker where the placenta starts to peel of the uterus and drop out the vagina.Angelina baby remains attached to the umbilical cord, which the cord send food and oxygen to the baby. The umbilical cord is attached to the placenta where is detaches itself after you push hard. The umbilical cord is long, thick, rubbery where it will stopped feeding the baby during labor.
Physical development
After Angelina baby has been born, the diet that the baby would have is the Angelina milk that has been produced during pregnancy or the substitute. This is because the baby cannot digest food other liquid (breast milk or powdered milk).Angelina newborn internal organs has not been fully developed as it cannot hear, taste smell etc. The infant increase rapidly for the physical development. The newborn uses there primitive reflex .Primitive reflex is an automatic response to a stimulus.
There are different types of reflex:
* Moro reflex is also called startle reflex, it starts from a loud noise even maybe crying, and this mean that they were falling or want something. The reaction would be loud crying, movement of legs arms and fingers. This would carry on until the Angelina or Brad come to check .That it would started at the age of four to six months .The reason is that the baby may feel insecure and may feel harm.