Physiology Assignment
Autor: nadiachurch • June 30, 2013 • Essay • 576 Words (3 Pages) • 1,099 Views
Internal anatomy of a Fish
Have you ever been interested in fish? Like have you asked yourself questions like how are they able to breathe under water, or how they are able to swim. I know I have asked myself those questions every time I see a fish. While they seem like they would be so different from other animals that live on land, but if we were to look at them internally we find that they really do have a lot of similarities. Of course there are still a lot of differences too, without those differences they would not be able to do those things that we cannot.
Some of the similarities that fish have to like us as humans and other animals that live on land are the main ones, like the brain, heart, liver, stomach, etc. While these organs could still be a little bit different they do the same jobs as our organs do and the main thing for that is to help keep us alive. Like the heart pumps blood through their whole body and helps with getting the oxygen to the heart. That would be their circulatory system which is closed off just like it is in humans, but when it broken down a fish’s circulatory system is a lot different than it is in us humans, at the same time it is probably a lot less complex. A fish’s blood starts at their heart, from there it goes to their gills, then to their body and back again, doesn’t that sound pretty simple compared to what goes on in our own bodies for the blood to get everywhere it needs to. The gills of fish are like lungs in humans and while they pretty much do the same type of job of taking in oxygen for the body it is still very much different. While we just breathe in oxygen from the air into our lungs for a fish the water goes over their gills and they absorb oxygen from there, just dissolved oxygen unlike the oxygen we use. It is crazy how fish have had to evolve from other animals and be able to still breathe in oxygen.
My biggest question about fish has always