Production of Bioethanol from Glycerine Using Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Autor: Mahitrajan Tyagarajan • July 20, 2016 • Dissertation • 680 Words (3 Pages) • 844 Views
From the study on China Great Leap Forward Famine, we can detect the lasting impact of parental early life malnutrition on their offspring. There are two major paths through which parental malnutrition condition may impact their second generation: 1) The child of a parent who has suffered famine in early infancy may suffer because of famine induced defects in parental reproductory system. 2) Parents born in the time period of famine usually acquire lower social and economic status than those who are born outside the famine period and this lead to low development among those children than the children which usually acquire. To reduce this impact many policies and action plans have been put forward, such as National Program of Action for child development in china aims to decrease the number of malnourished children by 25% which are under the age of 5 by 2010.Morever to measure the effects of fetal malnutrition into the second generation, it is important to follow second generation impact in adulthood,middle and old age.
In East Africa, spatio- temporal information obtained from wide-swath satellite data was used to study the impact of interannual variability in ecosystem on malnutrition and armed conflict. Analysis was performed at both village and sub national levels and the results derived showed that in east Africa, increased levels of malnutrition were related to armed conflicts. From the study of the geographical distribution of malnutrition and armed conflicts in Eastern Africa and its parts like Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia. From this we can infer that there is positive association between ecosystem productivity and conflicts whereas there is no association between short term land degradation and both conflicts and malnutrition. Wide variety of variables such as armed conflict, ecosystem productivity, global acute malnutrition etc was used which gave different results. Results obtained derive the important relationship between interannual variability in ecosystem production and malnutrition. But as we know malnutrition is statistically associated with armed conflicts, so ecosystem variability is also indirectly associated with violent conflicts.
In this study, we will talk about increasing poverty in Ghana and its direct impact on children’s nutritional and health status as well as on schooling outcomes. There is a synergistic relationship between poverty, nutritional and health status. Malnutrition is linked to growth factor, delayed maturation, mental retardation may other factors which are related to child development. This childhood malnutrition later leads to adulthood effects such as reduced work capacity and intellectual performance of adults who grew up malnourished. Children who have poor health usually have lower education gain and this result in lower earnings as adults.
India has high percentage of child nutrition as it was illustrated in stunning and underweight than any other large country .The main aim of the study is to determine why rapid economic growth has failed to reduce the malnutrition to an extent. There are many different methods used such as OLS ,instrument –variable , fixed effect and fixed difference regression analyses on the basis of data available at each level of states in India. Female illiteracy is a major cause for the increasing child malnutrition through various channels. The measures taken to reduce malnutrition in India has suggested that malnutrition is mainly explained by poverty reduction despite of having high overall economic growth because of which productivity and income growth in agricultural sector, still employing 54 percent of the Indian labor force.
The main objective of the study is to investigate the association and the impact of illness,socio economic and social indicators for nutritional status among the people of rural area in Bangladesh. The results obtained after the analysis and studies , results showed that 26% of the elderly people were undernourished and 62% were at risk of having malnutrition according to MNA.Female gender with poor financial status, having no income and being illiterate were also independently associated with poor nutritional status. Malnutrition in rural Bangladesh is mainly associated with above mentioned factors so a significant approach is needed to reduce under nutrition in older population in low income countries like Bangladesh.