Autor: Nick Liu • December 22, 2016 • Essay • 2,349 Words (10 Pages) • 732 Views
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Assessment Front Sheet
This sheet must be used as the first page of all work submitted
Student ID number: C1523688
Module code: HC2130
Module name: Personal and Professional Development and Communication 2
Declared word count: 1486
Summative work must be submitted via Learning Central by 12.30pm on the due date
Students are required to keep a copy of all work submitted
I confirm that the material contained in this assignment is my own work and no part of it has been undertaken by or with others. Where the work of other authors has been drawn upon it has been properly acknowledged and referenced according to appropriate academic conventions. Reference to quotations from other authors has also been correctly acknowledged and referenced within the work.
I have read the University’s definition of unfair practice and the related regulations and am aware of the potential penalties which may be incurred for breaches of these regulations.
I have read the School’s Maintaining Confidentiality & Anonymity in Academic Work policy and am aware of the potential penalties which may be incurred for breaches of these regulations.
By submitting this assignment, you are confirming that it is your own work and does not involve plagiarism, collusion or breaches of confidentiality & anonymity
Ability to self reflect is an important aspect within healthcare. Reflection is defined as the reviewing of past experiences, in order for adequate analysis and evaluation of the event. This allows modification to be made in the future when faced with a similar situation (Bulman and Schutz, 2013). A successful healthcare professional is able to constantly reflect on their experiences, learning from their actions, right or wrong, to improve the quality of care they provide in the future (Schön, 1983). It is important for me to be able to reflect and evaluate upon my experiences as it will help to identify my strengths and weaknesses. As a physiotherapist, this can also put into perspective between theory and practice and enables me to improve quality of care and initiate personal and professional improvements (Argyris and Schön, 1978). I will be using Gibbs reflective model. Gibbs reflective process or cycle involves 6 different stages, first introduced in “Learning by doing”, where each stage shapes the contents in the stage after (Gibbs, 1988). I have chosen this model as it allows me to question my own actions, explore new approaches to any problems I experienced and most importantly, ways in which I can improve myself for the future. I will be reflecting on the team working aspect during the development of the care pathway and it significance during practice.