Renewable Energy
Autor: khawajamuddasar • January 26, 2013 • Research Paper • 1,317 Words (6 Pages) • 1,526 Views
Energy is the ultimate source of gaining power, advancement and development. The focus of the world now a day is on discovering new energy resources hence exploration of energy reservoirs throughout the globe is the quest of human beings. Researchers, scientists and analysts have presented several reminiscent measures through which energy can be generated so that humanity would not be facing energy crisis in the coming years. Some of the ideas however are exclusive and require expensive machinery to produce energy. In this whole time spam; researchers have focused on the importance of renewable energy usage. It is basically the utilization of natural resources available to the mankind; for instance generating electricity through sunlight etc. The intentions of researcher’s remains clear that adaptation of renewable energy throughout the world is the need of time.
Renewable energy carries colossal importance as the primary methods of producing energy through oil, coal, water, woods is getting diminutive due to their excessive use. In the coming day’s world would be facing energy crisis and preparation for tomorrow is a wise measure to be taken in time. There are certain countries in the world which are in tremendous crisis due to energy shortfalls and they can overcome this disastrous scenario by using natural resources, to fulfill their everyday energy demands. Nigeria is a primary example which is facing energy crisis. On the other hand countries like China have self sufficient energy as they have made active use of renewable energy. India is in a league to get full advantage of renewable energy and fulfill the energy crises in the country.
The Nigerian Model
Nigeria is blessed with immense natural resources through which energy shortfalls can be managed easily. The enrichment of natural resources in Nigeria present a picture that they can even easily sell electricity to other nations if they actively start producing it. Food, feed and fiber production requires sufficient amount of energy which can be obtained by utilizing various energy resources, but Nigeria is unable to do so. In order to fulfill their energy needs, people of Nigeria utilize fossil fuels. This source of energy is sued for irrigation pumping power and for the transportation services. Moreover pesticide production, fertilizers and processing is also carried out by the usage of this energy measure but the fact remains that long lasting and ultimate sustainability cannot be attained through it (Nnadi, Ajaero, Nwakwasi and Oguegbuchulam, 2011).
The second most utilized energy resource in Nigeria is fuel wood. People are pretty much dependent on it. Domestic food processing and for agricultural activities; 50% of the Nigeria uses fuel wood. This is a horrifying scenario as this can lead to deforestation of Nigeria sooner. There are enormous amount of agricultural waste, human waste and livestock waste