Science Take Home: Yeast Respiration
Autor: acestudent2011 • November 28, 2011 • Essay • 913 Words (4 Pages) • 2,090 Views
Part 1: How Does Temperature Affect the Rate of Yeast Respiration?
8. Place the results of Part I in the table below:
Total Volume of Carbon Dioxide Produced (mL)
Time (minutes) In Cold Water Environment In Warm Water Environment
2 .1 mL 1 mL
5 .3 mL 2.5 mL
10 .5 mL 3 mL
15 1 mL 5.5 mL
9. What is the research question for this experiment?
How does temperature affect the rate of yeast respiration?
10. The independent variable (manipulated variable) for an experiment is the factor that you change on purpose in an experiment. What is the independent variable for your experiment?
Water temperature
11. The dependent variable (responding variable) is the variable that may change as a result of a change in the independent variable. The dependent variable is the data that is observed and measured in an experiment. What is the dependent variable for this experiment?
Volume of Carbon Dioxide Produced
12. In a controlled experiment (fair test), the experimental group (which receives a treatment) is compared to a control group (which does not receive a treatment). Hint: Yeast usually need warm temperatures to grow.
-) Which setup is the control group? The yeast in the warm water
-) Which setup is the experimental group? The yeast in the cold water
13. In a controlled experiment (fair test) all other factors should be kept the same so that you can fairly compare the results from the control group and the experimental group. List three controlled variables - factors that were kept constant in both of the setups for this experiment.
1) The concentration of yeast used 2) The concentration of sugar used 3) The time at which CO2 production was assessed
14. What data are you collecting in this experiment? Total volume of CO2 after a certain amount of minutes
15. What results would you expect if your experiment supported your hypothesis? That there would be more CO2 in the vial submerged in warm water.
17. Prepare a graph to summarize the data you recorded in your data table.
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