Scientific Revolution
Autor: viki • February 7, 2012 • Essay • 444 Words (2 Pages) • 1,804 Views
Scientic revolution: invention begins with the idea and ahs gone know where it has gone before. Necessity is the mother of invention. 17th centurary new idea began. New way of examination. Logic replaced belief. New ideas yeiled new knewledge through observation and hypthesis. Capernicus, the earth is the center of the univese. He perfected the relescope. Newton perfected calculaus. Revolutionary ideas, galleleo put science into motion. SCienctif reasoning was put into philosophy., econmic and social. Late 17th and 18th centuray age of the enlightenment. Influenced society and in the American colonies helped shape the declaration of independence. Record player and light bulb by Thomas Edison. Great success ""(2:58) quote.
Turning point in history: 14th and 15th centurary the renossance people started to devlop new attitude about themselves an those around them the church was corrupt. The wealth and authority. The prining press in the mid 1400s idea spread rapidly. Martin wrote 25 complants on the doors of church. He sparked the reform through out germany. And around Europe. 16th century. There was a protestant north and catholic south. Cathoilcs responsed ina counter reform. 1545. Pope counsil of trent were strict rules were in place. The jesuits tried to collect the church back. Trying to collect schools and churches mixed.
1. 18th centurary enlightment in france major contributors include d'alembert, rousseau, and Voltaire, they wer philosophers that challenged the established values of the 18th centurary writing the encylopedie and englihs letters
2. advance in medicine : small pox, the article of the encyclopedie inaqulation, a scaple to help with small pox. Surgery, in the 18th centurary, the lateral operation from the stone. The bladder was first tested to remove the stone from there.
3. If a young man was rish we would be able to travel around italy on tours. An be familiar with antiquity. Charles tanlwey collected