Systems Analysis and Design for Computer
Autor: jinclars • October 17, 2017 • Research Paper • 2,245 Words (9 Pages) • 932 Views
Systems Analysis and Design for Computer 2
ARANAS, Judy Kate
LUALHATI, Beny Ann Therese
MAGSINO, Maria Lourdes
I. Features of the Proposed System
Based on the identified problems of the Philippine Statistics Authority, they are having difficulties with their records, keeping it up to date which causes them to waste their effort and time that is why the researchers recommend an e-recruitment system for easier recruitment of new entrants and PSA Records System for easier updating of employee records.
E-recruitment is going to be the practice of using technology for tasks involved with finding, attracting, and assessing new personnel. The purpose of this is to make the processes involved in more efficient and effective and less expensive ways. This will feature an online portal where applicants will have to fill up the required information and just like that, they are now onto the next stage of recruitment.
The system for PSA Employee Records database has 3 features. First is the employee master that will help in encoding the data of the employee much easier and will keep it up to date for lesser time consuming. Second, the attendance master that will monitor all number of absences and will take note of the reasons why the employee was absent. This will also include tardiness, how many times you shifted for another employee, and your attendance during holidays and over time for extra pays. And the last one will be the salary master, where this will look on how much work was done by the employee and the corresponding pay for it.
With these recommendations, the researchers are hoping that this will help the organization improve their management and systems for better maintenance. This shall help them effectively and efficiently lead the human resource department for a better performance of the whole organization.
The system for e-recruitment will look like this:[pic 1]
The system for PSA Employee Records database features the following:[pic 2]
[pic 3][pic 4][pic 5][pic 6][pic 7]
II. Data Flow Diagram
During the recruitment stage, the Philippine Statistics Authority summarizes the list of selected applicants by processing the following data: Application Forms (manually and via online), Assessment and Company Statement. The company has a database for applying via online. After the company has selected the applicants who passed the assessment stage and will be hired, the list of applicants report is generated.
For the employee records-keeping, the Philippine Statistics Authority gets the data by the following: Employee Master File, Attendance Records and Salary File. The company has a database for employee records-keeping via online.