The West & Japan Hbs Case
Autor: timmyzhao • February 7, 2019 • Essay • 9,782 Words (40 Pages) • 720 Views
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Final Notes
The West & Japan
China 10/18
- Indian cotton traded textiles/slaves trade in the sugar economy
- Money is made --> stored in England, that eventually funds the industrial revolution
- THe English invented the spinning engine and the steam engine
- The East India company brings the first work drugs : tea!!
- China only wanted silver for tea, but the English did not have enough silver
- They started to trade drugs instead (opium)
- This was illegal, but very profitable
- Addiction spread through the Chinese government (from top to bottom) and this became a popular work drug.
- 1839 : A debate over what government’s stance on opium: legalize or eliminate trade?
- Tried to eliminate the trade by confiscating and destroying
- First Opium War
- The East India company took this issue to England and Parliament intervenes
- They send a navy, and commissions a gunboat to continue trade
- Treaty of Nanking: after East India Company blocked the channel for food, China gave in and opened “Treaty Ports”
- Carved out areas with “extraterritorial rights”: no chinese laws applied, only foreigner laws. COnsuls appointed by foreigners
- Made lowas to attract all rich Chinese people within China to treaty ports
- Start of Western ideas and religious transitions into China (also religion)
- Taiping Heavenly Kingdom merges Chinese Culture with Christianity
- Treaty of Beijing
- Gave so much power to the west
- “Spheres of Influence” to tear the country apart
Meanwhile... in Japan meets the West
- Japan is still in the Bakuhan system (no foreigners allowed)
- 1853 Commodore Perry arrives in Japan in huge black ships (coal ships) which begins the first US presence in the pacific
- Coaling stations in random islands
- Bakufu didn’t have power against these coal ships, so they sent a message to Tozama and asked what to do!
- Recall the the Tozama was the lower class of daimyo-- the outsiders. But they knew the best about foreign culture since they lived so far from the capital.
- The consensus was to not let them in, BUT the Bakufu let them in anyways
- The Treaty of Amity and Friendship and Peace: Bakufu won’t kill the US shipwrecked sailors
- The American Consul would be Townsend Harris
- Immediately there was the Ansei earthquake that destroyed Edo.
- This alluded to the Mandate of Heaven: Only those who maintain the mandate of heaven can rule
- Raised questions about existing regime, esp when dealing with the US
- Townsend negotiates unfair treaties- The Harris Treaty: 10/24
- Opened up treaty ports
- Consular Jurisdiction
- Tariff autonomy (with low tariffs)
- Extraterritoriality, but not for opium (Japan wanted to avoid China’s mistakes)
- Extraterritoriality: diplomatic immunity
- Most favored nation status
- All later treaty nations got the same conditions
- Freedom of religion for foreigners
- The bakufu wanted to control the foreigners. They created a phony island, bankrolled modern infrastructure while Japan controlled the bridges
- Furnished with the telegraph, gas, etc
- Yokohama Period:
- The culture and art style of Japanese people being introduced to Foreigners
- “Exotic” and new technologies
- Foreigners are depicted as hairy barbarians -- yet not actively hostile
- Ansei Treaties 1858:
- Included US, France, Russia, Great Britain, Netherlands
- Advantages for Japan
- Old regime was overthrown
- “Samurai revolution” -- Tozama overthrow the bakufu system and changed into a quasi style democracy
- Rangoku Scholarship
- Direct Knowledge about western science and technology
- Japan’s first steam engine was invented
- So basically Japan didn’t get screwed over like China was
Bakumatsu: Elitist Political Revolution
- Led by radicalized, young samurai from Tozama Domains
- Before the Tozama were frozen from the social ladder. But they still had the most contact with the Chinese merchants, and thus had more knowledge about the outside world
- Ishin Shishi
- Educated, worldly young people (mostly samari)
- “Men of high purpose”
- Led imperial forces against imperial shogun in Bakumatsu
- Ito Hirobumi: leader (lol remember him)
- During Bakumatsu
- Bakufu don’t know much about the outside world and gone over the heads of Fudai and asked the Tozama instead (this hurt the Fudai feelings)
- Emperor Komei sends a secret message to Tozama to rebel
- “Sonno Joi” : “Revere the Emperor. Expel the Barbarians”
- Tokugawa Iesada: the shogun at the time
- Was super weak, and dies. Who will take over?
- Tokugawa Yoshinobu: outside the bloodline, kind of poorer but smart and strong (remember him lol)
- But the people in the court wanted a weak person for control
- Tokugawa Iemochi: just a child, and was put on the throne instead
- Assassination of Li Naosuke (the regent)
- Because of Kobu Gattai (the union of the imperial court and the shogunate), the emperor's sister, princess Kazu is forced to mary Iemochi
- It was a weird time of power and for everyone:
- Shinsengumi - “newly selected cops”
- The Bakufu feel unsafe and hire their own cops. Many of these people were ex samurai
- Western interventions begin, and some towns are attacked?
- “Ee Ja Nai Ka”
- Movement among the chonin
- Ideology: YOLO we literally might die tomorrow and wtf is going on
- After Iemochi dies, Yoshinobu takes over. But it's too late for him to truly regain power and everything is already to shit
- Boshin War: The last 1 year war that results in the fall of the Bakufu.
- Republic of Ezo 1868-1869
- Americans came in and suggested an American sponsored republic
- Charter Oath: April 7, 1868
- This is the first step to the Meiji restoration
- Charter oath has a few oaths and lists things -- lol wait but what tho
The Meiji Restoration 10/26
- “Fukoku Kyohei”
- “Enrich the country, strengthen the military”
- Embraces foreigners/foreign ideas
- Replaces “sonno Joi”
- “Choshu Five”
- Five Japanese (including OG Ito homeboy) sent to UCL
- Went on the Iwakura MIssion: traveled through America and Europe
- Ito was inspired by Prussian constitution and their bicameral legislation
- During the Meiji Restoration government the Meiji Oligarchs were behind the scenes controlling the government
- Ito’s prescription of why the west is so strong?
- Industrialization
- Constitutional government
- Military strength
- Huge gal was to project Joana's strength
- Imperialism
- Inspired to draw natural resources
- This became an extremely important goal of oligarchs
- The Abolition of Feudalism (the Samaris and the Daimyos)
- Daimyos brought out
- 1869: oligarchs talks some Daimyos into handing out their land back to the emperor
- Back the Ritsuryo System tbt
- 1871: Daimyo Domains Abolished
- Former 250 hans are replaced by 72 prefectures
- Daimyos could serve as officials, but they eventually got paid off
- Daimyo is Eased off Power
- Rewarded with Titles and stipends
- Kazoku - Hereditary nobility
- Samaris are disestablished
- 1873 is a pivotal year
- Samurai lose monopoly to military power
- Military recruitment by conscription
- Samaria rice stipend are now taxed
- They are given bonds as an option in 1873, but samurais had little financial experience with bonds, so these proved to be pretty useless
- By 1876, bonds were mandatory
- Samurai hairstyles were abolished
- Right to carry a sword abolished
- Samurai Revolts 1877
- Satsuma rebellion
- Battle of Shiroyama 1877
- Samurai lost quickly by the army :(
- Samurai eventually disappear
- Some go into business
- Government
- Many went to military
- Most went into police
- Meiji Land Reform
- Full Privatization of Land
- Registered Deeds and Titles
- Land can now be traded and Mortgaged
- Direct Taxation: mimics the west
- Money taxes, instead of rice
- “Kokutai”
- Kokutai: The concept of national essence of Japan What makes Japan Japan?
- Many important from Asia - they wanted to distinctly identify what was imported and what was distinctly “theirs”
- New National Language based on the Tokyo Dialect (yamanote)
- Yamanote Dialect - hilly north western and higher/richer dialect
- Shitamachi: lower city and less elite
- Ex: Buddhism is re established, since this is imported from China
- Neo Confucianism was already heavily influencing Japan
- They formally threw this out. But they needed something else!
- Reinvent Shintoism:
- Before, no centralized form. This was dominated by women, shamans, and very local
- State Shinto is invented
- Male dominated
- Professional clergy
- Emperor is made central figure
- Strong focus on sun goddess
- Japan tries to export this shinto during colonialism
- Dies out immediately after WWII
- Compulsory elementary education
- State sponsored elementary school
- Create an emerging generation to carry out the ideology
- Imperial Rescript on Education 1986
- Industrialization
- Early on, industrialization was state led
- But then this was taken over privatization
- Textile factories
- Women workers were preferred
- Resulted in a generation of women who have a source on income
- Constitutionalism
- Ito Hirobumi was an architect of the constitution
- 1884: an upper house is created
- 1885: a cabinet system with Prime minister as Ito Hirobumi
- 1888: a privy council
- Private, chosen by the emperor
- Different than an elected cabinet
- Meiji constitution 1889
- Bicameral legislation
- Emperor is sacred, huge executive power
- Lower house became way more powerful - they had control of the finances
- Imperialism
- 1873 : “Seikaron”
- Serious talk about invading Korea, but it was held off
- 1874: Mudan Incdient
- Punitive Invasion of Taiwan
- 1875: Ganghwa Island
- 1876 Treaty of Ganghwa
What’s up with Korea tho?
- Yangban class is dominating still
- Made up of landowning, neo confucian educated officials
- Ensurfed the peasant class
- Factionalism of Yangbans
- Successful yangbans with state power
- Have tiled roofs
- Intent of holding back the commercial class
- Loser yangbans - Seowon : academics
- Silhak : “Practical learning”
- Yangbans start to teaching practical things away from confucianism
- Seonhak: “Western Learning”
- Indirect western learning through China by the Jesuits
- Donghak: “Eastern Learning”
- Study China even MORE
- Women did not have many rights
- Gisaeng: Korea’s version of courtesans
- Entertainers but also trained in useful knowledge
- Traditional medicine, literate, could play instruments, dance, fashion
- Recall that at the end of the Joseon period, Joseon was super close to China 10/31
- They had a tributary relationship
- Military protectorate relationship
- Trade preference
- Later on, when Japan defeats China, it forces Korea to cut off tributary relationship with China
- King Gojong (1863-1907)
- Actually a very weak king
- Daewongun (his dad) is the regent, and he keeps foreigners out
- Queen Min: picked by Daewongun
- Meeks and docile at first
- But once married, proves to be capable and ambitious
- When the king becomes of age, she takes back the power to the king and away from the regency
- Super anti-Japanese faction
- Period of Hermit Kingdom
- French invasion of Ganghwa
- China being taken over by foreigners
- Japan had a civil war going on
- Korea wanted to prevent this crazy shit and closed their borders to the French
- Beginning attempts of invasion into Korea
- US invasion of Ganghwa 1871 - repelled katy powers for Japan
- Japanese invasion of Ganghwa
- “Treaty of Ganghwa”
- Unequal treaty to Korea -- Japan essentially just copied the west
- Established extraterritorial rights
- Treaty ports
- Japanese business took advantage of this treaty
- Gaps In Coup 1884
- Japan attempted to take over Korea
- Pro japan officials took over Korea government
- Let to military engagement between japan and China
- Convention of Tianjin 1885
- Akai -Ito Convention”
- Both sides would withdraw from korea militarily
- Gabo Reforms 1894-1896
- Pro Japanese officials gained influence and instituted the Gabo Reforms
- Attempt to transform Joseon society to become modern
- Currency reform ties Korean currency to the yen
- Abolish civil service exam (old fashioned)
- Donghak Peasant Rebellion 1895
- Movement from the peasants to throw the foreigners out
- King Gojong is terrified, turns to China government for military support (but doesn’t tell Japan)
- Chinese government support was lackluster
- But Japan finds out and uses this as an excuse to militarily move into Korea
- They quell the rebellion and declare war against china --> First Sino Japanese War
First Sino Japanese War
- China: bought most of their weaponry, since it was slow to produce modern weapons
- Japan
- Quick to produce and kept military updated
- Not at first wanted to produce ships, they bought them from the french
- Cruisers: small fast, and cheaper to produce
- Japanese transforms the image of China to inferior premodern and demasculinized
- Treaty of Shimonoseki 1895
- Ended the first sino japanese war
- Raised Japan equal to other foreigners
- Japan could build factories in Chinese treaty ports
- Forced Korea to sever tributary ties to China
- China had to give Taiwan and Liaodong Peninsula to japan
- Most favored nation status
- Triple intervention
- Germany, Russia, France intervene
- They say that Liaodong peninsula is too much and chased Japan out
- China had a “sphere of atmosphere” to Russia
- Japan becomes frustrated
- Assassination of Queen Min 1895
- Japanese troops murder Queen Min
- Gojong and son rune to Russian embassy and liver there
- This further escalates the Russian and Japanese tension
- Korean empire is now in between Russian and Japanese power
Japan and Russia go to War: Russo Japanese War
- “Great Game”
- Rivalry between Russian and British
- Took sides when Afghanistan had fighting wares
- Anglo Japanese Alliance
- Military alliance between japan and english
- Served as a sign to Russia
- Russia: anti semitic period
- “Pale of sentiments” led to a large population of Jews send to China
- Battles in railroad towns in Liaodong peninsulas
- Russia underestimates japan
- Battle of Tsushima
- Japan destroys all of Russian navy
- American presence
- Big missionary presence
- Education
- “Agreed Memorandum” : Taft - Katsura
- Secret agreement wink wink ; )
- Addressed to TR about Japan not interfering against the Philippines if US doesn’t mess with japan's takeover at Korea
- Revolution in Russia, and so it doesn't have time to deal with Korean and Japan
- Eulsa Treaty
- “Japan Korea Treaty of 1905”
- Protectorate: Japan controls Korea’s Foreign Policy
Japan into Greater Japan 11/2
- Absorbs Taiwan, and eventually Korea
- Begins to expand into east asia
- “Pan Asian Discourse”
- Let by japanese scholars
- “Asia is one” - argued that Asian is basically one entity
- Japan is the most advanced and leading role in Pan asia -- and they tried to support the idea
- Japan can help make a greater asia
- Japan seek Korean collaborators, primarily through the Yangban
- Yangbans were primarily literate and had written proof of ownership of lands
- Peasants did not, and so they were kicked out and land went to the Oriental Development Company
- Common people lose their traditional rights to land as Japanese companies came and bought land
- Manchukuo: Korea served as an agriculture resource from Japan
- 1. First decade
- Authoritarian
- Harsh assimilationist Policies
- Some koreans had the option to change their names into Japanese names -- severing a major identity change
- Korean language is banned
- Tries to get rid of Korean culture
- March 1, 1919 uprising : Korean protest
- Peaceful uprising: formal declaration of independence
- Put down in a very bloody manner
- Modern educated women participated
- Japanese people are shocked and they change their policy
- 2. Associationist Rule
- Japanese empire is an association of people
- Cultural policy
- Korean language is allowed again
- Koreans became second class citizens in their own country
- 3. Assimilation returns again
- Name change laws of 1939/40: forbids yangbans from changing their names to Japanese
- Capital renamed
- Hanseong is named Keijo
- Capital used to ba walled, but then the Japanese tore it down and modernized the capital
- Oriental Development Company
- Joint cooperation with government blessing
- Licences and monopoly
- 1911 Xinhai Revolution
- Ching dynasty dies, pretty quickly and the two contenders for leading is Sun Yat Sen and Yuan Shikai
- Shinkai becomes the President of Beiyang republic
- Military led government
- Chaos broke out
- Warlord period
- No central government
- The collapse of China was used as an excuse for the west to carve out China
- WWI begins
- First major European conflict
- The colonized countries realize the weakness and carnage of the West
- Japanese saw WWI as an amazing opportunity
- Fought on alice's side and so they took advantage of German concessions
- Japanese action in the war
- Tsing Tao: siege by sea
- Aircraft carrier Wakayama (foreshadowing of Japanese's insight ot importance of military air force)
- World’s first naval launched Air Roads at Tsingtao in 1914
- Spoils of the war
- Japan takes over Germany’s sphere of influence in China (Shandong Peninsula)
- Japan also took control of pacific Islands that Germany had Dalian is officially recognized as japanese territory
- This becomes a huge market for illegal drugs (opium, heroin)
- Become huge after the Treaty of Versailles and banns the opium trade
- 21 Demands
- Japan issues to the Chinese government
- 5 groups of demands
- 1. Shandong Province
- Sphere of influence in Southern Manchuria
- Many railways
- 3. Hanyeping Mining and Metallurgical complex
- 4. Barred China from giving away further coastal or island concessions to foreign powers except Japan
- 5. ~secret~ Turned China into a Japanese Protectorate
- Japanese appointed into the Chinese Government
- However, the US refused #5 due to “open door policy”
- Changed into the 13 demands
- Yuan Shin Kwi lost of a of credibility
- Starts to move towards to look like an emperor and declared himself as one
- All the generals laughed at him and marks the start of the the warlord period
- Women liberalization
- Suffragist movement
- Getting women the right to vote
- 1920s, apolitical fashion for women globally to remove themselves from the patriarchy and family
- Become financially and secually independent
- Early technologies of birth control (which were illegal)
- Under Japanese colonial rule, protestant missionaries from the US came and Korean women were able to get educated
Taisho Democracy 11/7
- Taisho Emperor 1917 - 1926
- After 1922, his soul fell apart, and disappeared from public life. His son, Hirohito stepped in
- Taisho Democracy: a 2 party system
- Seiyukai Party (Liberty party)
- Argued in favor of increasing executive power
- Greater participation of government in public life
- Kensaikai Party (Constitutionalist Party)
- Communist labor Union
- Both Korea and Japan merge with the older party and kept changing its name
- Government should respect the constitution
- Limit its participation in the society
- More literal
- Peace Preservation Law of 1925
- To outlaw the communist party
- Japanese women GET IT TOGETHER
- Sumptuary legislation: long hair, good wife, good mother
- The only occupation before was sex work, but now after the industrial revolution gives women opportunities
- Service jobs
- Financial independence
- Modan Garu: Mo Go “Modern Girl”
New shocking fashions - Access to automobile and transportation’
- Advertising in women’s magazine
- Naomi - scandalous Femme Fatale
- Japanese Expansion
- Siberian intervention 1918 - 1922
- Japanese problematic relation with Russia
- Washington Naval Treaty Conference
- Unintended consequence :
- Japan Increasingly alienated from the West
- Anglo-Japanese Alliance ends 1923
- Great Kanto Earthquake and Fire (1923)
- Fireproof construction, but not earthquake proof
- Tokyo was quickly rebuilt
- Government issued bonds for insurance company
- Insurance company
Nationalist regime in China 11/9
- Secret Societies : Anti Qing, labor contractors, organized crime syndicates
- Remaining warlords still retained partial control and taxing authority
- End of Northern Expedition
- Shanghai is secured
- Warlords had to fight or ally
- Kwantung Leased Territory
- Kwantung Bureau” an Opium Control Agency
- Head of the bureau was ishimoto kantaro --> Japanese opium merchant
- Active participation in Illegal Drug Trade
- “Smoking opium” refined opiates and opioids (morphine, heroin)
- Fake opium addiction “cures” or “red pills”
- Golden Butt Cigarettes were advertised as opium cures
- But these contained opiates and opioids (heroin)
- The Kwantung army does not rely on Tokyo financially
- The army used South Manchuria railway company to kill Zhang Zhuolin in the Manchurian Incident 1931
- World’s attention on financial crash of summer 1931 pressure on Britain to leave the gold standard
- Japan marched into Manchuria using the Kwantung army (unpopular at a government level, but not unpopular at the people)
- Chinese people were resistant and repelled the Japanese
- 1933, Japan withdraws from the League
Japan withdraws from the League of Nations
- Tanggu Truce - May 31 1933
- Guomindang truce with Japan, since they had no control anyways
- Japanese concession at Tanjian
- Supported the Chinese emperor Puyi and demilitarized the zone
- The Kwantung army recruited Puyi to become emperor again so he can be a figurehead through the Japanese
- Japan created puppet regimes all over NE China (Manchukuo)
- 1934 - 1936 Civil war against the remaining communist
- Lang March: movement from south to north
- Eventually it rooted out all of the communists
- Manchukuo was a good source of raw materials: steel mills, coal mines, hydroelectric facilities near North Korea
- Expansion of opium production at local markets
- Koreans were incentivized to migrate by japanese
- Moving into China meant receiving Japanese extraterritorial rights -- this worked
- Rise of Military Rule in Japan
- Major attempts to take control of the government
- “October Incident” 1931
- Tries to overthrow the civilian part of the government
- Re-establish Showa emperor to take control of country
- Notion that Hirobumi constitution was not legit
- “League of Blood Incident”
- Assassinators of liberal - moderate leaders
- Many PMs and cabinet officers are killed
- This leads to the nickname of Government by Assassination
- Feb 26th Incident 1926
- Military coupe, declared a Showa restoration, and declared Meiji Government illegitimate
- Hirohito refused to participate before, but after Showa restoration:
- He referred certain institutions
- Increased executive control
- Generalissimo of Military
- “Imperial General Headquarters Government Liaison Office”
- Leaders of military civilian side
- 1936 Hirohito funded Unit 731
- Japanese army that invaded China.
- They experimented with chemical warfare research and biological weapon research on live human experiments
- Shiro Ishii : fucked up
- Traded his knowledged to the US so he wouldn’t be prosecuted as a war criminal
- “Anti Comintern Pact” : Japan Nazi Germany
- Gernay recognized Manchukuo as Japanese
- This turns against the communists and USSR
- Xian Incident
- Zhang Xueliang: convened a conference of higher ups from Guangdong and communists and KIDNAPPED THEM and Chiang Kai Shek
- KMT + CCP declare a United Front against the Japanese
- Zhang Xueliang is impressed by Chiang Kai Shek
- Marco Polo Bridge Incident 1937
- Start of WWII in Asia
- Battle of Shanghai
- Japanese bombing of Zhabei (Shanghai)
- First urban civil bombing during WWII
- Signified an on set of Japan's conquest of China
- Nanjing Massacre
- All men were killed (severed heads)
- Systematic raping (“comfort women”
- John Rabe (Nazi) organized foreigners to establish national zones
- Nohohon Incident
- Series of battles between soviets and the japanese
- Tank Battles near the Manchukuo border
- Pacts
- Molotov Ribbentrop Pact or “Hitler Stalin Pact”
- Europe is now divided
- Axis Pact: Japan Italy Germany
- Neutrality Pact: Japan + USSR (April 13 1941)
- Germany Invades Russia, but Japan still refuses to join the war
- Japan did not persecute Jews in East Asia
- TranS siberian Railway was the only safe route for Jew to get to East Asia
- Sugihara Chiune : Signed 1000s of visas for Jews to get into Japan
Japan invading everywhere
- Japan takes over French Indochina in Northern Vietnam 1940 in Sept.
- By July 1941, Japan had taken Southern Vietnam
- US reaction to Japan’s Occupation of Indochina
- July 23 1941, Froze Japanese assets
- Aug 1st 1941, Impose Oil embargo
- Dec 7 : Invasion of Southeast Asia
- Pearl Harbor boop
- Pearl harbor was targeted since all of its navy and aircraft carriers were there. They hit mostly battleships
- US is pissed af
- Bicycle Invasion of Malaysia aka the Silent Invasion
- Began 45 mins before Pearl Harbor
- British had set up defences in Singapore facing outward anticipating a naval attack
- Still, after Repulse and the Prince of Wales (UK Battleships) sunk Dec 10 1941, it becomes clear the Malaysia will fall to Japan
- Destruction of strategic resources: rubber and palm oil using planes and bombs
- After General Percival gives up Singapore to japan, the reas of the SEA fell too
- POW camps death rates were high because the Europeans had no immunity against tropical diseases
- Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (Greater Asian Cooperation)
- Japanese propaganda campaign
- “Liberate Asia from Colonial Control”
- Nationalist parties emerge: and Japan reaches out to them
- They claim that they did not want to rule directly
- Nisei participation in WWII on the European front
- Operation Ichigo 1944: trying to control East China and doubling down
- General Curtis Lemay:
- Wanted to move away from strategic bombing
- Shift to terror bombing
- Used a jelly call napalm to firebomb tokyo
- March Firebombing Campaign
- Bombs kansai ports and islands
- Widespread firebombing: the scorched earth
- After Germany surrenders, US calls for the unconditional surrender of Japan in the Potsdam Declaration
- Atomic bomb on HiroShima
- Nagasaki
- USSR entered the war against Japan
- Japan is blindsided by the Soviet entry
- USSR entered in Northeast china: tried to fight the Kwantung army and defeated it, and gave weapons to Chinese communists
- They also moved into north Korea.
- “USSR didn’t win the war but they won the peace”
- Japan makes efforts to surrender to the US and tries to protect the monarchy
- Hirohito would stay in power
- 38th parallel that roughly divides Korea in half. North would be USSR and South would be US
After the War
- Military Occupation of Japan
- General Double McArthur
- Return to Manila 1944
- Arrives in Tokyo
- Product of FDR’s New Deal
- Embracing defeat: Japan in the wake of WWII
- People expected US policies in Japan to be harsh
- But they were quite lenient -- mild and liberal military occupation
- “Soft power”
- 1950s - Japan’s huge amount of exports in the world
- Trash sci-fi movies
- Anime, manga, jpop
- Japanese fashion
- Process of trying to humanize the Japanese emperor
- Depicted in normal not military attire
- The US wanted to keep the emperor as an ally and had to sanitize his image:
- “Blameless bystander”
- McArthur forced Hirohito to go on “goodwill tours” in various small towns of Japan
- Needed Japanese people to encounter him as a human to destroy his divine myth
- Comfort Women
- Women were drawn into the workforce during the war
- After the war, they dominated society:
- Young women engaged in factory work
- Had engaged in commercial sex work
- Comfort stations
- Human trafficking: force or promises of employment
- Military brothels
- Ssexual enslavement
- Many organized by military but some were privatized
- Little reliable data on exact numbers -- 200,000 as a conservative estimate
- Majority were korean and Chinese, but many other vulnerable women from East Asia in SEA as well
- Women who were subjected to this and were soiled and rejected by their families
- 1980s, women began coming forward and told their stories, especially in Korea
- 4th Right Movement: demands an apology from Japan
- US occupying forces kept the comfort stations open until 1946
- Closing them mostly because of spread of diseases, not morello
- SCAP officially discourages “fraternization”
- Babyson - a cartoon depiction of generic Japanese sex worker
Laws and Stuff
- Yoshida Shigeru becomes Prime minister of Japan
- He is in power 1946- 1954
- “liberal “ (Super conservative) party
- People wanted Meiji Constitution: 1947 Constitution
- Current constitution originally drafted in English by occupying forces
- Parliamentary democracy : legitimacy of government through elections
- Emperor is demoted to a symbol of the nation
- Old hereditary aristocracy is thrown out
- Article 9
- War is not a sovereign right of the nation
- Remains as a part of the constitution
- Partially sidestepped with special defence force
- 1946 Land Reform
- Fundamentally changed the nature of Japanese society
- Owner cultivators
- Absentee landlords became illegal
- Corporate and absentee land holdings were purchased by the state at a low fixed price
- Sold to the tenant farmers at the same price
- Inflation:rumored to former land owners
- Major Social change
- Landlord class is eliminated
- Corporate land ownership is gone
- There is a new class of “Owner cultivator”
- Tokyo War Crimes Trials
- International Military Tribunal
- 7 are sentenced to death
- 16 are sentenced to life in prison
- Iva Toguri is prosecuted during a treason trial “Tokyo Rose”
- The fictional character by Walter WInchell depicts her as a villain
- American Policy in Japan
- Deindustrialization Policy
- Zaibatsu corporations to be dismantled (Zaibatsu is the Japanese versions of Chaebols)
- Zaibatsu developed in the Meiji Period
- Huge family owned vertically integrated corporations
- Major players in the 1st half of the 20th century
- Take a huge part in Manchuria and Korea when moving in
- US blamed the zaibatsus for contributing to the war
- In 1949, US reversal -- ended the dismantling of the Zaibatsus and allowed them to reorganize into Keiretsus (see below)
- Dodge Line:
- Deflation economics policy imposed on Japan
- Opposite of Marshall Plan
- Yen is pegged to the $
- Exploiting was made difficult
- After USSR exploded a nuclear bomb, the US policy changed in japan to become harsh : “Reverse Course”
- Industrialize Japan to go back to agricultural state
- Japan becomes a new frontline
- Massive investments in Japanese Industry
- Sweetheart Deals
- Korean War Stimulate the Japanese economy
- Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)
- Designed to orchestrate japanese recovery and industry
- Keiretsu: Partially reintegrated zaibatsus
- No longer fully vertically integrated
- Contributes to the emergence of the dual economy
- Fuel economy: large corporations but also smaller mom and pop stores both thrive
- Organized around banks and wester style board of directors
- Treaties of San Francisco (twin Treaty)
- Created by John Foster Douglas and Yoshida
- Security Treaty
- Japan is now under the military protection of the US
- This was controversial, since Japan still had a lively one party system with strong left liberal parties
- Yoshida Doctrine: Japan removes itself
- Low diplomatic profile
- Less military spending
- Functions like a client state of the US
- Focus on developing most modern infrastructure
- Yoshida wanted Japan to flourish in contrast to the other communist countries -- focus on economic development
- Golden Age of japanese Cinema
- Suspension of censorship
- Few, cheap entertainment
- 7 samurai
- Japanese exports
- Ministry of international trade and industry
- Failed to consolidate
- Refused to merge
- Expanded
- Car industry!!
- June 1960, there were mass protests
- Student demonstrations and students died
- Kishi Nobusuke is forced to resign and replaced by hayato (38th PM of Japan)
- Socially progressive legislation quiets Japanese population from protests
- National monument
- Universal health insurance
- Old age pensions
- “Income Doubling Scheme”
- Expanding economy rapidly so that income of Japanese families would double
- Era of high growth 1960s-1980s
- Taxed high income families at a high rate
- Most overly distributed GDP
- Tokyo Tower is rebuilt
- Participates in the 1964 Olympics
- Shinkansen high speed trains
- Subways system was greatly
- 3 Jewels of japanese Employment Model:
- LIfetime employment
- Seniority wages
- Enterprise unions
- Trade unions but no independe to corporations
- This led to fewer strikes
- “Salary Man”
- Nomikai: afterwork drinking parties
- Capsule hotels
- Commutes were exhausting
- Structural deterrents for working married women
- Tax deterrents
- “benefits “ deterrents
- Plaza Accord 1985
- A meeting of the leading countries about financial currency. Aim was a massive depreciation of the yen by 1/2.
- Japan was unable to export cheaper things, and only continue exported high price things like cars
- Bubble Economy
- Focuses on high savings economy banking scheme through post offices
- Life insurance offered
- Japanese started to spend a lot more since yen was valued more
- Stock market and housing bubble burst, and everyone got into debt
Death of Hirohito: the beginning of the Heisei era - “Lost Decade”