A Mother's Day Kiss off Summary
Autor: Gina Santucci • September 19, 2016 • Essay • 746 Words (3 Pages) • 1,713 Views
A Mother’s Day Kiss Off Summary
Angry doesn’t even begin to describe it, at least, not when it comes down to Bennett’s views in regards to the reasons women are exasperated or resentful for their situations as mothers, wives, and women as a general statement. While her article begins with a nice Mother’s Day, spending it how every mother would love to, she goes on to talk about how this appreciation often seems to be limited to only one day a year, rather than showing appreciation, even in minor ways, all the time for the effort that mothers put in on a perpetual basis. From there she maneuvers into talking about why women are angered and resentful, especially towards one another, and the how uniquely confounded that situation is, since the majority of women all desire to be accepted, appreciated, and respected, yet they turn around and bash on another for their decisions, achievements, feelings, or aspirations. Throughout A Mother’s Day Kiss Off, Bennetts explains her thoughts in regards to this, by progressing the idea that rather than solely appreciating mothers on one day per year, everyone - especially women - should be appreciative and respectful towards other women every day of the year, regardless of their lifestyle and choices.
A central argument to this article is that women are angry and resentful due to the fact they aren’t treated equally as compared to men. While society has made great strides within the past century, Bennetts sheds light on the fact that there’s still a major pay gap in the workplace, not only between men and women, but also a tremendous gap that proves that childless women are still shown favor over mothers, when it comes to being employed outside of the home. Sometimes the beginning of showing appreciation can be as simple as being treated equally rather than valuing their time and efforts as less valuable than their childless or male counterparts, as depicted through the valuation of their work in exchange for money. When women realize this, it isn’t uncommon for them to decide that they’d prefer to stay home and take care of their kids and allow their husband to be the employed person in the family since he could actually