Allocation of Funds
Autor: redlin03 • April 15, 2013 • Research Paper • 1,266 Words (6 Pages) • 1,326 Views
Allocation of Funds
Allocating $50,000,000 between probation, prison and parole is not an easy task.
Between serious offenders and non-violent offenders, government and local departments
need to come together and work at managing the correctional system and allocating funds
correctly in a way that will produce the best results for society as a whole.
The American correctional system is very complex. The goal of corrections is
to be fair and to protect the community. The current system of government is called
federalism. This means that all levels of governments (federal, state, and local) are
involved in one or more aspects of the correctional system. This means that a crime in
one state may not have the same severity of sanction as it would in another. Another
complex issue is funding.
Corrections are one of many services that are funded by tax revenues. Criminal
justice agencies must vie for funds not only amongst themselves but also must compete
for funds with transportation, social welfare and other services (Clear, 2011). Because of
this, corrections may not always receive the funding it needs. Therefore, it is imperative
that we make efficient use of the $50,000,000 by allocating funds to where they could
most benefit society in terms of corrections.
The first $20,000,000 should go to prisons. To make sure prisons are working
to the best of their ability, we need to imprison dangerous criminals to protect the
community. The prisons need to meet the medical needs of the prisoners and maintain
up to date facilities. Using these funds, I would concentrate on rehabilitating prisoners
so that they can transition back into the work place when they are released, and safe
incarceration for the offenders who do not appear to be good candidates for such
programs. I would allocate more funds to the prisons