Analysis of Racial and Ethnic Variations in Access to Healthcare
Autor: lyonsvin • April 13, 2016 • Term Paper • 4,994 Words (20 Pages) • 941 Views
Analysis of Racial and Ethnic Variations in Access
To Healthcare
Vincent Lyons
April 28, 2005
EC 499
Mission Statement: Analysis of Racial and Ethnic Variations in Access
To Healthcare
There have been numerous of studies of racial disparities in health care varying from treatment to diagnosis of illness. My mission is to look at the disparities that are in the access to healthcare that is displayed by the care provider amongst the different ethnic groups that are composed in my dataset. In conducting this research I will look at various scholarly journals to serve as the background and the guidelines for conducting statistical analysis for the paper. Then I will conduct a statistical analysis using the guidelines based upon the National Healthcare Disparities Report of 2004, which will involve the use of multivariate analysis that will help me to identify the extinct of variance in the treatment that is received by minorities in comparison with majorities that is displayed by the care provider. The dataset that I will use is from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, HC-070, and 2002 consolidated file.
Background: Analysis of Racial and Ethnic Variations in Access
To Healthcare
The Institute of Medicine defines access to health care as “… the timely use of health services to achieve the best possible outcomes” (Annals of Internal Medicine, 1998). In the case of the minorities and socio-economically disadvantaged citizens of the U.S. this objective has become to represent another repetitive lie in the stanzas of the American dream. Where the minorities and economically disadvantaged citizens are faced with variations in the quality of health care that they receive, the interest on the loan that they receive, and higher premiums on their insurance based upon their race or socio-economic status (SES) in our society. Many Americans have good access to health care that enables them to benefit fully from the nation’s healthcare system (National Healthcare Disparities Report, 2004). However, others face barriers that make the acquisition of basic health care services a struggle (National Healthcare Disparities Report, 2004). As demonstrated by extensive research and confirmed in the first National Healthcare Disparities Report (NHDR), racial and ethnic minorities and people of low socioeconomic status (SES) are disproportionately represented among those with access problems (National Healthcare Disparities Report, 2004).
The unacknowledged factor that acts as a catalyst in widening the variation of care that is received by minorities and majorities is in fact racism. This factor is probably the main factor in the variation in care amongst the different ethnic groups in the U.S. Racism can be defined as "an oppressive system of racial relations, justified by ideology, in which one racial group benefits from dominating another and defines itself and others through this domination (Journal of Public Health, 2002). Racism involves harmful and degrading beliefs and actions expressed and implemented by both institutions and individuals towards members of different races (Journal of Public Health, 2002).