Biofuel and Human Life
Autor: nguyendung_eps • March 7, 2012 • Research Paper • 3,176 Words (13 Pages) • 1,698 Views
Biofuel and human life
In recent decades, We have witnessed strong growth of economies all over the world. At the same time, this development also led to considerable demand for oil, coal and natural gas used for every day living. Energy is the main focus of the world in recent times. There are many issues under consideration such as negative environment, consequences of fossil fuels, diminishing oil reserves or energy security. Human has too much dependence on fossil fuel because of its ease of use. Therefore many countries are seeking to develop alternative fuel sources, specially biofuels. Biofuels are one of the options for helping the world to cope successfully with challenges.The bottom line is that there are pathways on which biofuels can contribute to reducing dependence on fossil fuels in a sustainable way.
What is biofuel and how does it promote and provide sustainability as an alternative source of renewable energy?. Greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and vehicular combustions have caused damage to the Earth's atmosphere and altered present day climate. Biofuel is a renewable source of energy, which are grown using plant sources (sometimes called "biomass") such as hemp, soya, oil seed rape, sugar and palm oil. Plants are inexhaustible supply and ability to re-grow or to be recycled. Today, biofuel contributes to 45% of the world's supply of energy.It has helped lessen the nation's dependence on fossil fuels. There are actually lots of different biofuels for instance biodiesel, bioethanol and biomethanol, to name but a few. These biofuels above are the most common biofuels that are expected to be widely used and renewed.( U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service. "Energy Management," Conservation Resource Brief, February 2006: 5)
Biofuel is considered to be pure and the easiest avaiable fuels on the planet. Most of the people would be very happy to know that most of the forms of biofuels can be easily manufactured even at in one's garden. One of the most important reasons is that they are better than other forms of fuels like petrol or diesel. These fuels are also very clean and environmentally friendly. (Biofuel technology handbook,Dominik Ruzt and Rainer Janssen,2007).
Biofuels can be divided into three categories as follows (FAO Corporate Document Repository). Firstly, biofuels are made from agricultural products such as maize, soybean, cassava, canola and sugar cane.Secondly, they would be made from non food energy crops, for example totrapha curcas, switch grass, buffalo grass…Lastly, the waste in industrial and agricultural, for instance, animal fats, food scraps, rice straw are also used for production biofuels.
Although biofuels have different forms but most of them are made through a detailed process. Triglycerides containing glycerin which is in most of the animal fats, vegetables