Com 330 Final Paper
Autor: Gamila Salem • December 19, 2016 • Term Paper • 5,861 Words (24 Pages) • 988 Views
Final Learning Team Paper
University of Phoenix
Final Learning Team Paper
"We are taught the value of getting along with others since kindergarten. Collaboration is still just as important today as it was back then," (University of Phoenix Inc., 2015). While attending the University of Phoenix, every Bachelor or Master's Degree student will have to work as part of a learning team at one point or another (University of Phoenix Inc., 2015). This helps students learn skills needed to work in teams that may help in their careers. It paper has been compiled focusing on the seven factors of effective teamwork to prepare students for their Learning Team experience.
One of the first steps students should take after being assigned to their Learning Team is deciding on what their goals are and how they are going to achieve those goals. Often, the immediate goals will be assigned by their instructor. Weekly papers, PowerPoint presentations, and team participation are usually lined out for the students, but there are other goals as well. Getting to know how to contact one another, everyone’s schedule, and introductions can be goals a learning team may want to pursue (Beebe & Masterson, 2009). This section will introduce students on some key criteria to setting and achieving Learning Team goals.
Goals are important for each and every person, whether they are students or professionals at any point in their career (Beebe & Masterson, 2009). Setting clear goals for Learning Teams would help to improve the process and experience for all students involved. Goals can help set the tone for the day, month, and even the entire year (Beebe & Masterson, 2009). Goals give the Learning Team something to aim for and help them to stay on their chosen path or trajectory in the assigned project.
For students on a Learning Team, goals are especially important because they can help drive the team toward academic success. For example, if the team’s goal is to get 100% on all of their assignments, setting goals can help break it up into manageable, bite-sized pieces. Having goals can also be great motivation for when the Learning Team is in a creative slump (Gómez-Miñambres, 2012). When the team is feeling like they have lost all direction, or they are feeling unmotivated to complete the tasks, checking back on the Learning Team’s written goals will help.
For professionals, goals are just as important. Goals have a direct impact on their career advancement and can help shape their future at whatever company they are working at (Gómez-Miñambres, 2012). Without a clearly defined set of goals, they run the risk of becoming someone who just punches the clock. Goals can help a professional stand out from the rest of their coworkers when there is a promotion on the line, too, because when they are actively pursuing a goal, they will be more productive and be seen as diligent and hard-working.