Documentary of Buto't Balat in the Philippines
Autor: peter • March 20, 2011 • Essay • 351 Words (2 Pages) • 6,155 Views
The documentary was about malnutrition. It showed malnutrition in the Philippines wherein the reporter showed families in Bicol experiencing severe malnutrition. The question brought up at the start of the documentary was, in a country which is rich in natural resources, how come there are a lot of families and mostly children suffering from malnutrition. How come the government has not yet done anything? This documentary revealed shocking truths and made me realize how blessed I am and somehow made us think on how we can help our fellow Filipinos.
The first family featured was that of Angela's. They live in Bicol wherein her dad works as a fisherman. She is 19 yrs old but was bed-ridden for 3 months because of malnutrition. They will not eat if there is no catch. Soon after the documentary was made, unfortunately, Angela passed away. Another situation was that of a baby given coffee instead of milk. Another family showed was that of Mang Ciriaco whose 9 children suffers from malnutrition. His 14 y/o son's weight is for a 2 yr old. We were shocked when that part was revealed. Abundant fish only pass through his hands and he only gets 30 pesos from it which is obviously not enough to feed his family. Malnutrition brings a lot of complications because the body is immunocompromised.
I was aware that there is malnutrition in our country but I did not know that it was up to that extent. We are 2nd from Africa and if this continues, many Filipinos would die. 5 million Filipino children suffering from malnutrition is no joke and this rate should be prevented from increasing. I think that this documentary should be watched by people especially the youth so that they may value more what they have and be aware of the condition of malnutrition in our country and hopefully be able to help or do something in their own little way. This documentary is truly an eye opener.