Ethics and Professionalism Scenario
Autor: Matt Kreuz • August 14, 2016 • Research Paper • 1,654 Words (7 Pages) • 1,088 Views
This paper discusses ethics and how they determine actions in a particular situation such as the one presented for this project. How ethics play a role in the workplace, if they cause a corrupted workplace, and how do we avoid bad work ethic and keep professional. A culture is defined by its integrity to create a high valued work environment, it directly impacts the quality of corporate government and provides a foundation for long term ethical performance.
Keywords: Ethics, Professionalism, Corruption, Workplace, Integrity, Culture.
FINAL ETHICS PROJECT: Integrity and Professionalism
Ethics and how they affect Every Decision
Decisions made in the workplace question an individual’s morality and ethics, these behaviors are found at all levels of society. Our actions made through professional decisions affect not only ourselves but everyone around us. Within our own social structure, there are often penalties imposed on those who fail to follow ethical standards and laws put in place to have consequences for those found guilty of unethical behavior. An individual’s thinking revolves around a process user to consider the impact of our decisions and actions on other people or the public institution that we serve. Most decisions are mundane and routine but we can still face unexpected ethical dilemmas when an unusual situation occurs and requires an immediate response. Ethical decision making involves an equal amount of choice and balance and is a manual on how to make good decisions and disregard bad ones.
Integrity as an Individual
The values that we acquired in our childhood manifest themselves as our permanent perceptions that shape the influence of the nature of our choices and behaviors. For tougher ethical decisions three rules come into place that a reasonable individual should consider on every decision. The first is the rule of private gain, if you are the only one gaining from the situation is t at the expense of another, and if so you will benefit from questioning your personal ethics before the decision is made. The second is if everyone does it, who would be hurt by the decision, what outcome would it have on the world, these questions help categorize unethical behavior. The third is benefits vs. burden, do the benefits of the decision outweigh the burden of the decision. These core values are viewed as a context of integrity and profit, it is beneficial for an individual to analyze the impact of their decisions. Integrity is more than ethics, it defines the character of an individual, and it is those characteristics that are constantly considered to make ethical decisions. Integrity is the foundation of leadership and it involves a careful