Fostering Creativity & the Effectiveness of Creativity Training
Autor: moto • December 5, 2013 • Case Study • 369 Words (2 Pages) • 1,308 Views
dwcwwThe focus for Session 6 is:
Fostering Creativity & The Effectiveness of Creativity Training
There are 3 Core reading papers and 2 pieces for Enrichment reading.
If you have a fourth member, double up for Hunsaker or Scott's paper (these are long and detailed).
Focus on identifying the TYPES of training that are effective (which kind are not so effective), HOW (what exactly were the effects of the training) and WHY (which features of the training seem to be significant). Tabulating the findings may yield a useful overview.
As you have a week's break, try to read all 3 papers, so you can really DISCUSS the implications of the findings, not just skim the surface.
Based on 70 prior studies, it was
found that well-designed creativity training programs
typically induce gains in performance with these effects
generalizing across criteria, settings, and target
Not only was a large effect size obtained in the overall analysis
but sizable effects were observed for each of the
four major criteria applied in evaluating training—divergent
thinking, problem solving, performance, and
attitudes and behavior. Although the effect sizes obtained
for studies employing performance and attitudes
and behavior criteria were smaller than those obtained
for the divergent thinking and problem solving, this result
is readily attributable to the many complex influences
on people's attitudes and performance. Of