The Effects of Empowering Leadership and Team Identification in Creative Performance of Highly Innovative Teams.
Autor: Henrique Kumm • January 7, 2016 • Research Paper • 3,736 Words (15 Pages) • 1,431 Views
Creativity and Empowering leadership
The effects of empowering leadership and team identification in creative performance of highly innovative teams.
Grp. 17.
Fernando Ruiz 0982906
Henrique Kumm 0983031
Jelle van de Wall 0745230
Murilo Etechebere 0982096
Xuehan Yu 0925658
Tutor: Dr. J. M. P. Gevers & Dr. S. Rispens
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
1. Introduction (research topic and research question)
2.Theoretical background, research model and hypotheses
2.1. Intrinsic motivation and creativity
a. Intrinsic motivation
b. _ Team identification/cohesion and creativity
2.2 On the construct of team identification
2.3 On the construct of leadership style
a. Leadership styles
b. _ Leadership styles and individual creativity
c. Empowering leadership and individual performance
2.4 On the moderating role of team identification
4. Plan for analysis
Appendix . Company contacts and team descriptions
1. Introduction (research topic and research question)
Domestic and internal competition, changing government regulations, and rapidly shifting markets conditions demand constant and visionary innovation (AMABILE, 1988). Defining Innovation as the implementation of new ideas or changes, big or small, which have the potential to contribute to organizational (business) objectives (Schroeder, Scudder, & Elm, 1989), it becomes quite clear the importance of creativity performance on teams working in highly innovative projects, such as new product development or new marketing medias. Thus, we can assume that any action taken that may increase the creative performance of those teams are highly beneficial for anyone involved. Several studies show relations between types of leadership and the creative outcome of a team, and this puts leaders under high pressure to find better ways to lead their teams in order to improve their outcomes (Kahai, Sosik, & Avolio, 2003). Thus, increasing amounts of studies are trying to pinpoint which practices beneficiates group productivity and what characteristics moderates those relations.