Gender Integration - the Segregation of Roles by Gender and Newly Enforced Gender Integration
Autor: KenyaLane • November 30, 2015 • Annotated Bibliography • 947 Words (4 Pages) • 1,136 Views
Gender Integration
The Segregation of Roles by Gender and Newly Enforced Gender Integration
Laws in the Workforce
November 25, 2015
Kenya A. Lane
Brucculieri, J. (2015, September 28). Geena Davis Is Frustrated By Hollywood's Gender
Inequality. Retrieved November 22, 2015.
Geena Davis, a Hollywood actor, is speaking out against inequality that women face in Hollywood. In 2006, she founded The Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media, which works "to engage, educate, and influence the need to dramatically improve, gender balance, reduce stereotyping and create diverse female characters in entertainment." In an interview with The Guardian, the actress talks about her experience in the industry. Back in the late '80s and early '90s, she got to play iconic characters, but while she thought her roles could help inspire change, they didn't.
Davison, H., & Burke, M. (2002, March 19). Sex Discrimination in Simulated Employment
Contexts: A Meta-analytic Investigation. Retrieved November 26, 2015.
This study tested hypothesis concerning factors that affect sex discrimination in employment. Those hypothesis that were mainly derived from social psychological readings and stereotyping, predicted that the prominence of job sex-type, and amount of job-relevant information would affect discrimination against female and male applicants. The hypothesis concerning job sex-type and job-relevant information were supported. Female and male job applicants received lower ratings when being considered for an opposite-sex-type job. The research and practice conclusion of the hypothesis are discussed in the article.
Fackler, M. (2001, December 2). Sex Bias in China Puts Girls in Jeopardy. Retrieved
November 24, 2015, from
This article addresses the gender bias in China, where mothers have aborted and given away her female children to avoid ridicule in villages where traditions favoring boys are still strong. In 1949, the Communist Party took over and the government limited family sizes since 1979. This gave families a far lesser chance to have a boy to carry the family name. The uneven gender ratio of men to women in China have created a social strain and have created a thriving market for prostitutes and brides.
Fleming, John H. and Charles A. Shanor. (1977) Veterans’ Preference in Public Employment:
Unconstitutional Gender Discrimination
Authors John H. Fleming and Charles A Shanor performed research and found that there were nearly 29,607,000 veterans in the United States that year. The Department of Defense Statistics revealed that between 1940 and 1946, in the army, air force navy, and marines, the average percent of women in public employment grew from 0.03% to 1.19%, and the overall average was 1.19% and grew from there.