Globalization Is Better for the World
Autor: WinstonLiang • May 3, 2016 • Essay • 1,206 Words (5 Pages) • 905 Views
Today, we can see different and multiple culture, politic, economic origination around us, for example, a lot of people start to get the America education, different country work with each other for building a better world, a lot of famous and big company go to different country to make a good for mutual interest for the local and themselves. But a lot saying is about the bad of globalization, which is harm for the local or others. But let us get straight to the meaning of the globalization. Name for the process of increasing the connectivity and interdependence of the world's markets and businesses ,which is from the dictionary. And it is a little bit complicated to understand. For my optional, I believe that globalization is better for the world, namely, which is suitable for culture exchanged and involved, making different countries understand and cooperate with each other, and get much profit from the various local and the nation.
Firstly, let us talk about culture. Globalization makes the culture quickly go around the world and exchange from the different area. Tyler Cowen said: “The core message of my last few books is that markets support diversity and freedom of choice, which trade gives artists a greater opportunity to express their creative inspiration. The preconditions for successful artistic creativity tend to be things like markets, physical materials, ideas, and inspiration. When two cultures trade with each other, they tend to expand the opportunities available to individual artists.” (Cowen). Two different culture meet that can make different thing happening. To be clear about this, I will give an example to support it. China is becoming a significant market for learning English, which makes the English are famous in the China, And this is creating something new, like some new English-Chinese words, which we can found in the dictionary. Like this word: niubility. It's a Chinglish. In Chinese Niu means cow, which also means that someone is accomplished. (pronunciation Bee), which is used to refer a person rudely, means pussy or formally genital (Mengyu). That makes sense to explain why the new things come, because of the integrator for two culture and this thing is not individual or coincidence, but actually, it is happening in every area of the world all the times. And what is more, which is the globalization can make the popular culture in the local to go through the world, making most of the people can enjoy the beauty? This is talking about the Hollywood. The Hollywood make important and meaningful movies every year, which is touching people about of things all the time. And thanks for that, we can value the humanity, love and be being thankful for people around us. If that can be more around the world, especially for those middle of nowhere, there will be fewer wars and more understanding for each other. So the is the power of globalization how to impact the culture being better.