Green Marriages
Autor: nevka • January 7, 2013 • Essay • 593 Words (3 Pages) • 1,278 Views
The problems green married couples face.
Today more and more young people get married. The number of early marriages over the past several years is rapidly increased. But there is also the extremely high rate of divorce. What makes young couples to divorce? What are the causes of broken marriages?
It’s very often that the marriage can be an exciting but stressful time for newlyweds. They should share their finance. Suddenly, they realize they haven’t enough money. For any couples, financial changes can be an adjustment, but for some couples, they can cause strain on the young marriage. Every purchase a person makes affects another person’s savings, as soon as they got married and made family budget. Also, they must take into account their weekly or monthly expenses. Moreover, if the couple paid their wedding themselves, they will spend the first time or even years of the marriage paying for it. If one spouse has debt related to loans or credit card bills, another spouse will take responsibility for those bills too. They must think of their future family life and money to live on.
Housing problems are the great issue too. The young married couples often haven’t a place to live in. It makes them to live with parents, what means they can interfere into your life, because of you living in their house and they settle their rules, with you must follow. Living in hostels isn’t a good idea. You haven’t you private life; everybody pokes their noses into others business, what is really irritated and annoying. Renting a flat means that you have to get extra job or depend on parents-in-law. Of course, you can take a mortgage and paying it off the rest of your life.
Infatuation are quite common in the young age, some people think that the infatuation is the real love and wish to marry the person whoever they have crush. This kind of activity is wrong and it will spoil the entire life. When you take infatuation