Health & Social Care
Autor: Antonio • June 18, 2012 • Essay • 1,237 Words (5 Pages) • 2,629 Views
Establishing and maintaining good quality care relationships can be both rewarding and challenging for all involved. What are some of the difficulties that may face those providing and relieving care, and how might these be overcome?
"I am a carer."
"I am cared for."
"I need help with caring for someone."
Each of the above statements brings difficulties to different people in different ways. From family care to accessing help from Social Services, home help support, to accepting that help into your home, all come with some difficulties. From saying it out loud to yourself or to someone else. Here I will look at a small example of some of those difficulties facing those involved.
To be a ‘carer' to someone means ‘to look after a friend, relative or neighbour who needs support because of their sickness, age or disability. It does not mean a professional care worker in a nursing home, for example, or someone employed by a disabled person' (Direct gov, 2006).
In the case of Ann and Angus, Ann doesn't see herself as a ‘carer' she feels what she is doing for Angus is done out of love. It is a big step to move from having, a full time career outside the home, a busy social life, being a mother, wife and daughter, to becoming a carer to your dad and to label yourself as a carer.
There is also a sense of duty in Ann's case, brought on by Ann making a death bed promise to her mum and by Ann already living at her parent's home when the care was needed. Ann also says her decision to care for Angus has consequences, not just for herself but for her family also. One of the consequences for Ann is isolation and a loss of her circle of friends.
"The ensuing isolation and loneliness seem to be an inevitable part of caring for someone. This has been referred to by other carers as the ‘caring syndrome'" (Cavaye, 2006).
It is important for someone caring for a family member to try and maintain their relationships with friends to keep their own identity, own interests going in their lives. To give them a ‘break' or a ‘day off', as being a carer is a full time job and a very demanding one. But trying to this could also bring on feelings of guilt for spending time and energy away from their role as a carer.
This is linked to the big step of saying "I'm a carer". Once someone is officially recognised as a carer then they can receive financial, practical support, an assessment of needs for their caring role, their needs for leisure, training and work. The Carers Equal Opportunities Act 2004, also asks local authorities to let carers know about the support they are entitled to.
In Ann's case it would give her the chance to spend quality time with her husband and daughter