Malnutrition in Bangladesh Case Study Report
Autor: samia28 • March 27, 2016 • Case Study • 3,313 Words (14 Pages) • 1,211 Views
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Table of Contents
Current Situation
Existing Policies to prevent Malnutrition
18th Nov, 2015
Dr. Ariful Bari Chowdhury
Senior Lecturer
North South University
Plot 15, Block B, Bashundhara, Dhaka- 1229
Subject: Letter for submission of term project on “Malnutrition”
Dear Sir,
Here is the report that you have asked us to prepare and submit on “Malnutrition”.
We have analyzed the current scenario, possible causes, prevention on Malnutrition and prepared this report. This report helps us to understand and learn various ways of preventing Malnutrition along with the treatment of it, according to the perspective of our country Bangladesh.
We hope our report would be very successful if it is retained & considered by you but we would like to add that as a learner of this Introduction to Public Health (PBH101) course.
For the time being if you require any clarification on any subject matter regarding this report we will please to discuss in detail.
We hope you will appreciate our sincere effort and courage.
Jaifrin Ahmed
Samia Mahbub
Mahmuda Akter Moushumy
Mushfiqul Haque
Nusrat Islam Purno
Hunger is a way of signal from the body that it is running out of food, so it needs something to eat. This may lead to under nutrition and might cause diarrhea, malaria etc. Meaning of Malnutrition is really broad, but it is commonly referred as an alternative to under nutrition. However, technically, it also indicates to over nutrition. When people are malnourished due to under nutrition, they do not gain enough calories and protein from their diet for their growth and sometimes unable to consume the food properly. On the other hand, when people are malnourished due to over nutrition, they seem to consume too many calories. Malnutrition is the outcome of having insufficient food intake, which might cause underweight, low-height, dangerously thin, and deficient in vitamins and minerals. Malnourished persons might find it hard to do physical work and their ability of learning could be diminished. Malnutrition is a global problem, which is creating serious health problems in most of the countries in the world. According to Global Nutrition Report, except China, every nation had crossed the red line of malnutrition, suffering from over or under nutrition. Along with UK, half of the countries in the world are dealing with or already dealt with both of these problems. About two billion people are suffering from different kinds of malnutrition around the world. And around one third of children die globally because of malnutrition. Approximately, over 870 million people in the world cannot afford sufficient amount of food. Among these people, a vast amount is living in developing countries. In Bangladesh, malnutrition is a severe problem. Our women and children are the most affected my malnutrition. Malnutrition in Bangladesh is caused by variety of factors, but two most significant reasons are poverty and food insecurity. Women might face pregnancy risk and struggle to produce nourishing breast milk. These two causes can limit and affect a person’s proper diet for healthy living. Another cause of malnutrition in Bangladesh is illiteracy. Here, mothers are deprived of proper child-rearing knowledge and health services to secure the health of their children. Though many families have access to vegetables and fish, they do not know how it will help them and their children to improve health. Malnutrition can be tackled from an early age. During the first two years of a child’s life, it is possible to avoid irreversible diseases cause from under nutrition. To eliminate malnutrition, people need to sustain the quality and quantity of food they consume and they need to be provided with proper health care as well as healthy environment.