Marijuana Legalization Case
Autor: Ara1995 • July 19, 2015 • Annotated Bibliography • 1,382 Words (6 Pages) • 1,223 Views
Anderson, D. Mark, and Daniel I. Rees. "The Legalization of Recreational Marijuana: How Likely Is the Worst-Case Scenario?" Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 33.1 (2014): 221-32. MEDLINE with Full Text. Web. 28 Mar. 2015.
This journal article argues that the legalization of marijuana will have positive repercussions as it will lead to an increase in marijuana consumption, which in turn will decrease alcohol consumption. It will help me plant naysayers in my text.
Anderson, D. Mark, Daniel I. Rees, and Joseph J. Sabia. "Medical Marijuana Laws and Suicides by Gender and Age." American Journal of Public Health 1041.12 (2014): 2369-376. CINAHL with Full Text. Web. 2 Apr. 2015.
This article establishes a relationship between the legalization of marijuana and suicide. This will help my research because it will provide significant evidence to prove my argument.
Cooke, Charles C. W. "Prohibition and Its Discontents." Rev. of GOING to Pot: Why the Rush to Legalize Marijuana Is Harming America. National Review 9 Mar. 2015: 37-38. Legal Collection. Web. 1 Apr. 2015.
This report talks about the prohibition of marijuana and the discontents that come with it. This will help me plant naysayers in my argument.
Crippa, José A. S., Jaime E. C. Hallak, and Antonio W. Zuardi. "Marijuana, Feijoada and the Debate on Drug Legalization." Frontiers in Psychiatry 4 (2013): 1-2. MEDLINE with Full Text. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.
In this journal, the authors argue that the debate on the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes should only take place after society and the scientific community is clearly informed about the potential complications of the drug or its possible low-risk profile. This will help me articulate my problem.
Fogarty, A., P. Rawstorne, G. Prestage, J. Crawford, J. Grierson, and S. Kippax. "Marijuana as Therapy for People Living with HIV/AIDS: Social and Health Aspects." AIDS Care 19.2 (2007): 295-301. CINAHL with Full Text. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.
In this article, the authors claim that some people living with HIV/AIDS use marijuana as therapy when making decisions regarding their health and this use is more likely when these people are already sympathetic to non-traditional medical treatments. This will help me support my claim.
Forrester, Mathias B., and Tracy Haywood. "Geographic Distribution of Synthetic Cannabinoid Exposures Reported to Texas Poison Centers." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 38.6 (2012): 603-08. MEDLINE with Full Text. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.
This journal claims that synthetic cannabinoid, or fake marijuana, exposures reported to Texas poison centers varies by geographic region and that the rate tends to be higher in rural counties. This information may be useful for my research, if I attempt