Why the Use of Medical Marijuana Should Be Legal?
Autor: mnguygov • December 15, 2012 • Research Paper • 683 Words (3 Pages) • 1,914 Views
Title page
There is no real good reason why the use of marijuana should be illegal and the social and economic impacts are substantial. Over last few decades the use of marijuana or using of medical marijuana when prescribed by a physician has been debated by the Federal and State governments to death. Several states have allowed the use of medical marijuana; however, Federal Law still takes precedent over the state laws and even if one is prescribed medical marijuana one can still be arrested for using it.
A Social Problem
The problem facing the legalization of marijuana is that currently marijuana is illegal and the taboo stigma associated with it. For example, politicians on both sides of the political arena are fearful for their ability to be re-elected should they vote in favor, law enforcement is concerned that users or want to be users of marijuana will obtain fake prescriptions and the legalization of marijuana would spread to use further (ABC News).
As individuals we deserve the right to decide what types of items we put into our body versus what the government believes we should, to take that one step further for a drug that has been proven to help pain sufferer’s from various illnesses subside that paid our economy is also suffering due to the substance being illegal. From an economical standpoint there are several drawbacks of marijuana being illegal, which are; the cost of marijuana is higher due to it being illegal, no taxation on the sold product is collected and the ability for minors to obtain the drug is easier than obtaining alcohol since marijuana isn’t controlled.
Free Market Features
With the legalization of medical marijuana several features of our economic system would kick start a title wave benefits; new jobs would be produced, tax revenue collected, users of the medical marijuana would enjoy a higher quality of life and incarcerations of people using marijuana would decline reducing law enforcement and court costs (Ferner, Matt). The legalization of marijuana would be controlled thru various regulations on grower’s, suppliers, and the medical field. This increased regulation would mirror the benefits