Phl 320 - Community Enhancement Through Opening a Methadone Clinic
Autor: Nathaniel Hill • October 1, 2018 • Research Paper • 1,371 Words (6 Pages) • 662 Views
Community Enhancement Through Opening a Methadone Clinic
Nathaniel Hill
Carolyn Harrison
Community Enhancement Through Opening a Methadone Clinic
Each year millions of Americans suffer from opioid addiction and thousands will die due to overdose of opioids. The Tucson area has especially hard hit by the opioid crisis resulting in a high death toll and health care expenses. Treatment of opioid addiction often involves the prescription of methadone or other drugs that reduces the withdrawal symptoms associated with addiction without providing the high combined with behavioral therapy. Opening a methadone clinic in the areas most affected by opioid addiction would help save lives, bring in revenue for the company, and improve the community overall.
(1, Conclusion) America is suffering from a crisis of heroin and prescription pain killer addiction. (1, Premise) One study completed in the United States showed that approximately 21% to 29% of all people that were prescribed prescription opioids misused them (Vowles, et al., 2015). (1, Premise) The same study showed that of those people that were taking prescription opioids between 8% and 12% were addicted. (1, Premise) In 2015 nearly there were nearly two million people in the United States with a prescription opioid addiction as well as 591,000 people with a heroin addiction (National Institutes of Health, 2017). The problem is nationwide and has been felt at home in Arizona.
(2, Conclusion) Opioid addiction has been hardfelt in Arizona where the death toll and monetary cost are both high. (2, Premise) In 2016, 790 deaths in Arizona were attributed to prescription opioid and heroin overdose, a 74% increase since 2012 (Alltucker, 2017). (2, Premise) Central and South Tucson areas are especially hard hit by the opioid addiction crisis with both areas reporting over 24 deaths from opioids in 2016. (2, Premise) The number of hospital visits and admissions related to opioid abuse has also increased, from 183 to 741 encounters per 100,000 people from 2007 to 2016 (Arizona Department of Health Services, 2017). (2, Premise) The increase in the number of encounters is placing a higher economic burden on the health care system, costing over $341,000,000 in 2015 alone (Arizona Department of Health Services, 2017). In order to reduce this cost treatment and help prevent further deaths a treatment center should be opened in the areas hardest hit.
The opening a new clinic will help reduce the costs associated with opioid addiction as well as improve the community as a whole. (3, Premise) Studies in other areas such as Baltimore have shown that with increased medication assisted therapy availability there is a decrease in opioid overdose (Volkow, Frieden, Hyde, & Cha, 2014). (3, Premise) Methadone maintenance treatment helps those who suffer from opioid addiction to live more normal lives, patients are able to go out and work jobs and become contributing members of their communities. (3, Premise) Methadone maintenance treatment has also been shown to help reduce illegal drug use as well as reduce drug related criminal behaviors (Marsch, 1998). (3, Conclusion) Therefore, not only will the opening of a new clinic decrease costs associated with medical care due to opioid abuse but there will also be a decrease in other negative behaviors in the community.