Pre-Marital Sex
Autor: tyronecastillo • June 14, 2013 • Essay • 644 Words (3 Pages) • 1,094 Views
Premarital sex is sexual intercourse between a man and a woman who are not married to each other. But many people have gotten into their head that sex is fun. Nothing bad could ever happen to me because of that. They watch their favorite TV shows that show their favorite characters have sex. But it’s just the movies; it doesn’t show the watcher what really could happen after you have sex. Premarital sex has escalated dramatically over the last thirty years. Premarital sex causes unwanted pregnancies, STDs, and emotional damage to not only the person it is affecting but to t heir families as well.
Premarital sex causes unwanted pregnancies. “7.8 percent of all births are from mothers younger than 18, and almost half of all babies are born out of wedlock (Johnson).” Anyone that has had a child out of wedlock will have their life forever altered. One of the best options for teen parents is to give their baby up for adoption. Although, many mothers have said giving their child up for adoption was the hardest thing they have ever done, they also knew it was one of the best decisions they have ever made. And the baby! The newborn will be growing up without their biological parents. Another option is to keep the baby, although, not a lot of teenagers are ready for a baby. In the baby's first year alone, a person can easily spend between $9,000-$11,000 for diapers, formula, baby furniture, clothing, baby gear, etc. (Sure baby). There are not a lot of teenagers with that kind of money, so they usually have to ask their parents. That will usually take quite a big chunk out of their parent’s budget, which heavily affects them also.
Premarital sex can also give a person sexually transmitted disease. "77 percent of females with an STD are in the 15-to-24 age range (Jackson).” You can get an STD by kissing, anal sex, oral sex, and traditional sex. Some of the most common STDs are Syphilis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes, and AIDS. STDs