Scenario Analyses
Autor: Val Thomas • February 23, 2017 • Essay • 805 Words (4 Pages) • 800 Views
Chapter 4
The following paper will be based after reading the practicum scenarios on chapter 4, Family Violence . I will evaluate the scenarios and determine if the scenarios constitute child neglect or bad parenting. Discuss what are the types of child neglect as well as what are some indicators of China delight in these and other cases. As a human service professional level also discuss what are some misconceptions to consider when evaluating such cases.
The practicum gives four different scenarios in which I would evaluate situations 2 and 3 as child neglect and situations 1 and 4 as bad parenting. Types of neglect discussed are physical, emotional, educational and behavioral neglect. Indicators of neglect associated in these practice is physical neglect in situation 2 Mom Jane is depriving her new born child from drinking the proper amount of formula a child her age needs, causing the baby to be under weight due to my nursing the baby Jane is committing child neglect. In situation 3 mom Karen is lacking supervision knowing there is a pool on the premises she should be more aware of her two year olds every move, nothing happen to her son but it should be an eye opener of what her son is getting into and he needs to be supervised closely at all times. As Human Service professionals we need to look at all sides of the stories and pay attention to signs from the victims and make sure not to over react or punish bad parenting choices with actual child neglect.
Chapter 2
The following reading discussion will be based Chapter 2 Practicum, Billy M. I will discuss why I think mothers are responsible for their children’s physical abuse, what are some indicators of physical abuse and in this cases what are the long term effects of physical abuse on a child and his family.
As a mother I believe both parents are responsible for their children’s well being and in cases we’re parents are separated the biological parent is always responsible for the child when brought around their new partner. After reading this practice of Billy I believe that mom has some responsibility for his physical abuse she knew what her boyfriend was capable of, witnessed the abuse and still stayed with boyfriend Howard. Mom Julie wanted to be loved by a man so much that she allowed her boyfriend to abused for child just in order to keep her boyfriend around. Indicators that there was physical abuse, are the bruises and injuries such as the swelling of the lip that Howard gave Billy and Julie not doing anything and leaving Billy in a dangerous environment every time she walked out her house without Billy. Now that Billy is in the hospital and possibly comatose, Julie has to deal with the thought that she could have prevented it from happening just if she would have communicated with Howard and told him not to hit her son the first time he did it there is could have been prevented, now she will have to deal with the guilt of what you could have done differently if now she will have to deal with the guilt of what she could have done differently if her son doesn’t wake up or if worse if Billy dies Julie will never forgive herself because as Billy's mother she should of protected Billy and kept him safe.