Tattooing and Piercing - the Affects Among Adolescents
Autor: ctroi1217 • June 12, 2012 • Research Paper • 1,261 Words (6 Pages) • 1,451 Views
Tattooing and Piercing:
The Affects Among Adolescents
Body piercing and tattooing are becoming more popular among young teens and adolescents. Some see these body modifications as artwork or identity expression while others would consider it as bad behavior or misconduct. Teens want to feel as though they are unique and have their own sense of personal identity. However, many complications can arise as a result of a body piercing or tattoo. Teenagers will seek a tattoo parlor that will give tattoos to minors, and these places are not always sanitary. Also, many would argue that a teenager is not in the right mindset to be getting a piercing or tattoo because they are not mature enough emotionally. Many believe that although an adolescent will insist they are mature enough for some form of body modification, they will regret doing so in the future.
There are many complications that can arise as a result from a body piercing or tattoo. When getting a tattoo, “an electronic instrument punctures the skin from 50 to 3000 times per minute, instilling dyes into the dermal layer of skin” (McGuinnes, 2006). Getting a tattoo is painful and causes bleeding. Also, the pain persists many hours following the tattoo. It is a long process in which a scab forms over the tattoo and slowly peels off. If the adolescent starts peeling and picking at the tattoo while it is healing, they can cause the tattoo to become infected. “Body piercing has been associated with bacterial infections, bleeding, skin tissue tearing, hypertrophic scars, dermatitis and endocarditis” (Deschesnes, 2006). Getting a tattoo or piercing can also transmit very serious diseases, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV.
These complications are not always explained to the adolescent when they get a tattoo or piercing. In most areas, a person has to be eighteen to get a tattoo. However, there are places that tattoo underage kids. They think they are getting a tattoo or piercing done by a “professional,” but they may have “limited knowledge about sanitation standards, infection control and skin care protection”(Deschesnes, 2006). Many of these places will also charge minors more, knowing that a majority of adolescents will pay a large amount of money to get a tattoo. The percentage of teens getting tattoos is growing, and tattoo parlors want to make a profit off them. Yet, numerous places tattoo minors in unsanitary conditions. It is common of some tattoo parlors to reuse needles on their customers. This is how diseases can be transmitted to other people. Few teens are aware of the magnitude of the risks involved in getting a tattoo at a place that is not sanitary. Teens who are aware of the risks, but still get unsanitary tattoos have the mindset that only other people get diseases, not them. These infections are found on teens