Thozhilali Social Entrepreneurship
Autor: leorexims • September 3, 2017 • Essay • 1,392 Words (6 Pages) • 705 Views
Thozhilali is Social entrepreneurship undertaken by five members who are moved by the pain undergone by the construction workers who are still unorganized to a great extend and spend a lot of their time waiting for a right person to be hired. Thozhilali indents to dignify labour by giving a platform where both labors and employers come together for mutual support.
Thozhilali acts as a mediator between employers who are looking for skilled labours and reliable persons to undertake their household work or the construction work they are doing, and Labours who are looking for a better working environment and just wage.
Thozhilali will be first setup in Trichy and in coming years it will establish in the nearby cities. In the first year targets to get around five hundred labours and around hundred employers to enroll as members, and to double them in the second year.
Location and Facilities
Thozhilali will begin its operation from Trichy. As Trichy attracts more labous and there is a lot of scope for the construction work, we find thousands of labours flocking to this city and waiting to be hired in the junctions and crossroads.
Our website will have detailed database of labours who have enrolled with us. It will have details like their location, address, their work experience, and all that an employer would need. By the same time the website also would have detail of employers too. As this would give confidence to the labors as to the person who is hiring is genuine. The employer has the option of choosing the right person sitting in his house or office itself, we take care of the risk of finding a fight person for the job that need to be carried on.
The labors who enroll with us will be certain of the location where they will be engaged for that day thus they save a lot of time. They no longer need to come and wait near junction or crossroads, so no more uncertainty. Once a person is chosen by an employee, the concerned labor will be alerted via SMS or call about the location, type of work and the person who is hiring. At the end of the day the employee too will have a option of rating the one who render his/her service.
Services Descriptions
Thozhilali through its service gives a platform for the employer and the employee to come together for mutual benefit.
For Employer:
- One stop to find in all labors for all their requirements.
- Guaranteed satisfaction as they would choose the best labor.
- Time saving as they need not physically go to the junction or crossroads to find a labor.
- No intermediates, so they are the master of their decision. S/he can directly call the labor and book him/her
- Rate the employee based on his/her satisfaction and expectation and the quality of work.
For Employees/Labor:
- Time saving, they can directly go to the place where they are booked for.
- No more waiting near junctions or crossroads.
- We do away with mediators, means no more commission.
- Take whole wage home and pay only a nominal amount as membership fee.
- No more uncertainty; S/he know for sure about the job opportunity for that day.
- Save move money; no more brokerage.
- Reduction in unnecessary spending; in the days of non-booking they don’t need to come to the city/town, no bus fare and other amount spend on food.
- No more discrimination in pay(men and women)
- Every month training will be organized to enhance their skills.
Competitive Comparison
As the market is filled with middlemen who take care of small group of people for arranging the spot of work, it would be a little difficult for us in the beginning to convince the labours about our initiative.
There are a few construction companies who deal with middlemen and labours directly; we may have to put a direct competition with them.
Service Sourcing
The source of our service will be online. The major challenge will be convincing labours as well as employer and get them enrolled with us. So we will in the beginning employ three members who have concern for these poor labours. They will go to the crossroads and junction and talk directly with the labours about the problem they are facing and the gain they will have once they enroll with us. This process will also be repeated for the employers. The founding five members too will give their time