An Essay on Real-Time Databases
Autor: Halit Ikbal • June 9, 2015 • Term Paper • 13,944 Words (56 Pages) • 1,263 Views
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An Essay on Real-Time Databases
Raul Barbosa
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 G¨oteborg, Sweden
1 Introduction real-time database. For some applications the av-
erage transaction rate is not as important as com-
Data management in real-time systems has pleting each transaction before a certain deadline.
traditionally been implemented via application- For such applications the transaction rate is a
dependent designs. The main drawback of this parameter specified by the application designers.
approach is that, as the applications grow in com- The real-time database then has to be designed in
plexity and amount of data, the code which deals such a way that transactions meet their deadlines.
with data management becomes increasingly diffi- Real-time databases thus have the requirement
cult to develop and maintain. Real-time database of ensuring transaction timeliness in addition to
systems are the most promising alternative to the well-known ACID properties. According to
manage the data with a structured and system- the ACID model the key transaction process-
atic approach. ing properties are atomicity, consistency, isolation
Database systems have been successfully ap- and durability. A database management system
plied in many production systems. Many websites which does not ensure all these properties (with-
rely on conventional databases to provide a reposi- out a solid argumentation) should not be consid-
tory for data and to organize the retrieval and ma- ered trustworthy.