Benefits of Teams
Autor: schaffstallj • June 24, 2014 • Research Paper • 1,441 Words (6 Pages) • 1,080 Views
Thesis Statement
I will attempt to provide insight as to the qualities and significance of working with teams. This will include not only the benefits of utilizing them in the corporate world but also the reward one can gain from everyday usage of teams. From the beginning of time when Prehistoric primate first joined together and formed teams to hunt for food to today’s world where ideas generated in a team have provided us with numerous achievements as well as saving a few floundering companies. Teams have provided employees with self satisfaction as well as increased productivity.
Benefits of Teams
A team has a positive synergetic aura. When two or more members share a goal or an idea they can accomplish together what one person can never do. As an individual, one is limited to his or her previous experiences, the sole knowledge that they possess. When working together within a team they are able to bring everyone’s knowledge, experience and skills together to collaborate towards a common goal. Each team member brings his or her special skills together to break down the barriers and problems and completes the task. These team based assignments are predicated on the fact that what the students learn from a teamwork atmosphere will carry over to the workplace.(Willcoxson, 2006) The benefits are numerous when a person works in a team atmosphere. When working together as a team, the creativity is higher, which in turn causes the results to be higher in quality as opposed to working solo.(Scarnatti, 2001) A wise saying "Genius lies within the collaborative efforts of an empowered group" (Scarnati and Scarnati, 2000). Self-managed work teams are being use more often in the workplace and used for a variety of projects (Busch, Hamalainen, Suh, Whinston, & Holsapple, 1991). You can work on larger scale projects due to the amount of people involved and ones that could not be accomplished singularly due to time constraints and complexities. (Delwyn N. Clark and Jenny L. Gibb, 2006) You are able to share ideas and work together towards a common goal. And you learn responsibility by making sure that your action items are completed on time to support your team. You also learn how and when to help your teammates overcome their deficiencies. An individuals self-esteem is elevated working within a team by providing him with self gratification by accomplishing his tasks and fulfilling his assigned tasks for the group. Students tend to learn best when they all are involved in the teamwork and its process’s. In the corporate world there are additional benefits to having teams. Like in our class, these teams can be virtually anywhere and not limited to a specific location. A company can use teams from around the world to gain the maximum benefit for their company. And because of the different locations you often see an increase in productivity