Challenge Urban Asia
Autor: Nadea Zahra • September 20, 2015 • Coursework • 664 Words (3 Pages) • 801 Views
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Title | CrimeVisJawaTimur |
Data | Public Data | The data collected was in a form of Microsoft Excel file that contains criminality lists occurred between the year of 2012 until 2014 | How to collect the data: | Steps completed in order to collect the relevant data: - Wrote an official cover letter from the university regarding to necessary materials and matters.
- The letter was delivered directly to Polda Jawa Timur.
- Received a reply letter from Polda Jawa Timur in respect to the allowance to collect the data from them.
- Polda Jawa Timur directed us to the criminality division: Reskrimum.
- Reskrimum brought us to meet with the Head of Division where we explained the purposes of using the data.
- Reskrimum sent the Head of Polda Jawa Timur a letter regarding to our request and purposes.
- The Head of Polda Jawa Timur granted the request and provided the necessary data.
Applicants | Affiliation | Intitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Semester | 8 | Name | Erico Prabuzan Ardelino | Contact Information: | |
Affiliation | Intitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Semester | 8 | Name | Sulton Maarif | Contact Information: | |
Affiliation | Boston University | Semester | 6 | Name | Nadea Lazuardani Zahra | Contact Information: |
Topic | Perlindungan Sosial dan Kesejahteraan (Social Security and Prosperity) | Criminality Data in East Java |
Background |
- Criminality is an action, intentionally or unintentionally committed, which violates the law. Criminality is one of the major issues due to various kinds of crimes and limited accessible information from the law officers, and therefore distance the society from understanding what has been happening. The low awareness of the society drives the criminality rate among them.[1]
- The high criminality rate in Indonesia is caused by different influential aspects, such as age, victims pattern, attacks pattern, classification of crimes, the region of crimes, and so on.[2]
- In 2013, Polda Jawa Timur settled down crimes for 69,61% or 21.090 cases out of 30.285 reported cases.
- With respect to all of the above’s problems, we propose to develop CrimeVisJawaTimur application. It is a web-based application, which shows an informational map about crime patterns in East Java. The data used is from Polda Jawa Timur, which then visualized based on the location of the 38 police offices under the authority of Polda Jawa Timur.
The proposed approach (if any): |
- A map that shows criminality data in East Java.
- The case study to objectify this approach is criminality cases of the entire police offices in East Java. Based on the obtained data, in the year of 2012-2013, crimes in East Java was ranked at the 2nd place after DKI Jakarta.
- The technique applied to create visual data analysis uses shape file in East Java into application R. While library shiny in application R is used to create user interface display. Additional features, in order to frame the interactive map from shape file, make use of chloropleth map.
DATA USED The criminality data is obtained from Dit Reskrimun Polda Jawa Timur, specifically from 38 police offices under the authority of Polda Jawa Timur.
Table 1. Lists of Police Offices in East Java No | Police | No | Police | No | Police | No | Police | 1 | Restarebes Surabaya | 11 | Lumajang | 21 | Nganjuk | 31 | Tuban | 2 | Gresik | 12 | Situbondo | 22 | Blitar Kota | 32 | Mojokerto | 3 | Sidoarjo | 13 | Bondowoso | 23 | Madiun Kota | 33 | Jombang | 4 | Malang Kota | 14 | Jember | 24 | Madiun | 34 | Mojokerto Kota | 5 | Malang Kab | 15 | Banyuwangi | 25 | Ponorogo | 35 | Pamekasan | 6 | Pasuruan | 16 | Kediri Kota | 26 | Magetan | 36 | Sumenep | 7 | Probolinggo | 17 | Kediri | 27 | Ngawi | 37 | Sampang | 8 | Batu | 18 | Tulungagung | 28 | Pacitan | 38 | Bangkalan | 9 | Pasuruan Kota | 19 | Trenggalek | 29 | Bojonegoro |
| 10 | Probolinggo Kota | 20 | Blitar | 30 | Lamongan |
Subsequently, the data provided by these 38 police offices has conventional criminality information, for instances:
Table 2. Conventional Type of Criminality No | Criminality Type | No | Criminality Type | 1 | Curat | 9 | Gambling | 2 | Curas | 10 | Forgery | 3 | Motorcycle Larceny | 11 | Vandalism | 4 | Anirat | 12 | Abduction | 5 | Arson | 13 | Fraud | 6 | Murder | 14 | Embezzlement | 7 | Extortion | 15 | Senpi Handak Sajam | 8 | Rape | 16 | Adolescent Mischief |
[pic 1]
[pic 2] Criminality data that has been treated will be included to the server. From the server, data will be visualized by the website. Therefore, users can access data that is visualized.
[pic 3]
OBSTACLES IN THE PROCESS OF THE PROJECT - The existed data cannot be accessed online, has to get an approval from Polda Jawa Timur.
What differentiates the current method from our proposed method: |
The existed application in the matter of criminality is as follow: Application Name | Data Source | Information |
Denver Crime Map Visualization |
Denver’s criminality data in the year of 2010-2015 | Denver crime map is an open data created by Denver Police Department and uploaded to their government site. This information system uses chloropleth map technique that shows cluster crime density based on the type of criminality and time of the region. |