Cyber Final
Autor: sr0415 • July 20, 2015 • Research Paper • 561 Words (3 Pages) • 927 Views
What are two different types of attacks associated with password cracking?
Brute force- go through all the combinations
Dictionary- compare to words on dictionary
Hybrid – common substitutions
John the ripper is used for password cracking01
What is exfiltration?
- Taking unauthorized data from inside an organization or system
What is fishing?
- Trying to get sensitive or confidential information via email
What is the difference between stateful and stateless protocols?
FTP – stateful (connection stays)
HTTP –stateless (state not maintained automatically)
What Keys do you have access to if you are person A and another person is person B?
- A private
- A public
- B private
- B public
Difference between symmetric and asymmetric key process?
- Symmetric uses the same key and asymmetric using a different key for encryption than decryption
What type of encryption does PKI use?
- Asymmetric
What is a Ceaser cipher and why is it used?
- Simple cipher that substitutes other letters for letters in an alphabet. Used for communicating covertly
What would chmod 756 do? -> to change permissions chmod 756 filename.ext to rwx
- Read (r) = 4
- Write (w) = 2
- Execute (x) = 1
- First three (owner), second three (group), third three (other)
- Changes file permissions so that the owner can rwx, group can read and execute (r-x), and other can read and write (rw-)
Based on the following password hashes, what type of Windows hash is being used?
NT Hash (newer)
LM (Lan Manager) – uses all uppercase and less than 14 characters
What would you type before a command in UNIX to run as a superuser?
- Sudo
What UNIX command would you use to show what directory you are currently working in?
- Pwd
What does chmod do?
- Change permissions
A black swan event has low occurrence and a high severity – thunderstorm
Why would you use a virtual machine to run a honeypot?
If an attacker compromises the machine, it can be easily reimaged and down
Explain the main difference between static and a dynamic IP address
Dynamic- IP changes overtime you connect
Static – stays the same – manually configure
Static is useful for shared network resources
SQL injection
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username =”” AND Password =”OR 1=1”