Hazardous of Electronic Gadget
Autor: antoni • December 15, 2013 • Essay • 744 Words (3 Pages) • 1,241 Views
From the moment I get up from my seat and walk until I stand here in front of you, did you notice that I'm holdings these two gadgets in my hands? Can you tell me what on my right and what on my left? What are the functions of these gadgets? I will not give you the answer because I bet all of you know the answers for these questions.
A very good morning I wish to all of you. The reason why I stand here is not to tell you which of these are better but to inform to all of you about one common thing about these gadgets which is the hazardous of electronic gadgets. Ladies and gentleman, I know all of us have at least one gadget with you but some of us don't know or doesn't even want to know about the danger of these gadgets toward their life. Here I want to pinpoint three main risk that can change your life which are it can threaten your life, affecting your social life and sleep lose. Without any due, let's move to the first effect.
First and foremost, have you ever thought that the gadget that you love is actually a killer? Here lies my first point. Electronic gadget is actually a silent killer or in easy words, electronic gadgets can kill us. Let me tell you one little secret about your cell phones. Your cell phones actually emit a dangerous wave called electromagnetic radiation or EMFs. Studies show that this radiation can link to the development of brain tumours and lead to our death. Every day we swim in the sea of radiation but we don't even notice about this exposure. Radiation from your own phone, your friend phone and the gadget around you are waiting to kill you but we did not aware about it.
Ladies and gentleman now let me portray my second point.
My second point is regarding your social life. Before I continue my speech, I want to ask one question. How many times you have meet up with your parents in one semester? Once a week? Once a month? Or even just one time per semester? As for me, I meet up with my parents once a month but did we spend