Information System 428 - Managing Information Security
Autor: Wenqi Yang • March 1, 2016 • Course Note • 1,236 Words (5 Pages) • 1,220 Views
GSM IS828/428: Managing Information Security
Spring 2016 Syllabus Rev 1.0
Professor Ann Halford, Office # 627,
GSM IS828 & IS428 Tuesday 6:00-9:00 HAR 316
Office Hours
Please use email to make an appointment.
Course Description and Objectives
This course is designed for current and future managers, executives and leaders seeking a basic understanding of issues and concepts related to cybersecurity. This course introduces students to the leadership challenges related to security and privacy. The course has four goals:
1. Expand the student’s basic knowledge of the subject matter (cybersecurity and privacy literacy).
2. Improve the student’s critical thinking skills within the context of cybersecurity and privacy.
3. Develop the student’s ability to communicate and collaborate with subject matter experts (e.g. technical, legal, regulatory, risk management).
4. Introduce the student to management and leadership methods for coping with security threats while supporting business goals and social values.
This course has no prerequisite technology requirements. It has been designed for business students without prior programming or cybersecurity engineering experience. It focuses on improving the management and leadership skills required to cope with ever growing and critical global security threats. Developing those skills are essential to the future of our society which is increasingly shaped by and dependent upon digital technology and global connectivity.
This course may not be suitable for students pursuing a strictly technical career path without any interest in management, leadership or policy setting roles in business or government. Technology per se will be examined at a level suitable for technology generalists not specialists.
Course Materials
Each student must purchase a copy of the reading material for this course at the Harvard Business Press (HBP) website. You must be registered with HBP before you can access the IS 828/428 HBP Course Pack. You must register using your BU email account to demonstrate that you are a currently enrolled student. Do not copy, print or post your course pack material for others. To do so may be illegal (aside from “fair use”).
80 Individual points (max)
24 Class Attendance & Participation
2 points per class (max)
56 Weekly in class quizzes
Approx. 10 quizzes, each covers all material since the last quiz
Quiz questions will cover key concepts and details from the assigned readings/videos
20 Team points (max)
20 Team Competition
Class ranks the presentations, all members of a given team receive the same score