International Supply Chain Management – Bsb20123-7
Autor: SANTHOSHCS • November 3, 2016 • Case Study • 859 Words (4 Pages) • 1,071 Views
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- 5M: Humans, machines, material, method, measurement
- ABC analysis : is primarily used to determine quantity/value ratios for item.
- Aixperanto: Method for targeted process analysis and design.
- Andon board: A display that indicates production status.[pic 1]
- Andon: tool for sending information in case of arising problems.
- Apriori Algorithm: (Diagnostic Analytics):
- ARIS: Architecture of integrated Information Systems. : Approach to enterprise modeling.
- Attribute: describes a specific feature of a product.
- Autonomation: is a process that has been designed to enable the quick detection of production problems and to resolve them decisively.
- BPR: business process re-engineering
- Characteristic: describes the specific properties of a product that can be assigned to an attribute.
- CIMOSA: Computer Integrated Manufacturing open system Architecture: A framework architecture for open CIM systems, which supports both providers and users with the organization and realization of business process.
- CIP : Continous Improvement Process
- CPS: Cyber Physical systems.
- CTM Kanban: Customer traced management.
- Cycle Time: is defined as the total available time for production divided by the total customer demand for that period.
- Design of product architecture: The design of the product architecture in consideration of the internal and external
design options.
- Determination of capacity requirements : required assembly time / capacity per employee .
- Determining the number of Kanban Boxes :
[pic 2]
- EFQM: European Foundation for QM
- EPC: Event driven Process Chains.[pic 3]
- EQA: European Quality award.
- ETL: Extract Transform Load[pic 4]
- Exponential Smoothing: (Predictive Analysis): Is a method to derive forecasts from historical data =
- FIFO- First in first out
- Fixation: the coupling of equal excerpts of a product structure from different product families.
- Frontloading: Increased efforts in the early stages of the innovation process.
- Function Performs: a specific task and represents a discrete connection between input and output variables. A function may consist of several sub functions, which, in their totality, realize the primary and secondary functions.
- Heijunka : Production smoothing/ leveled production.
- Ideal number of modules: number of modules= rd(square Root(number of assembly operations ))
- Innovation management: The task of the innovation management is to systematically plan, control and monitor the inner company transformation of ideas into innovations.
- Jidoka: Also autonomation man less machine operation.
- Lean thinking: means establishing customer values without any waste on the basis of five principles. Customer value, value stream, flow, pull, perfection.
- Market Pull: The innovation activities are inducted by the customers demand. His wishes are authoritative.
- Material Planning : incorporates the functions of requirement planning order quantity calculation.
- MFD : Modular function deployment : is a structured method to define the optimal modular product design.
- MIM: Module Indication Matrix
- OLAP: Online Analytical Processing
- Operations control : Operations control includes the arrangement for the monitoring and guaranteeing of quantity, capacity, deadlines, quality and cost.
- PEP: Product Emergence Process
- Platform structure Characterized by a bundle of shared components, interfaces and functions. It is stable over the time.
- Process Reconstruction: It is the visualization of the procedures, of the strengths and weak points, in order to establish a sustainable will of change within the company as well as to identify measures for improvement.
- Production Smoothing: means to reduce the variance of material requirements in a production line as far as possible.
- SMART : Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time based.
- SMED: Single Minute Exchange of Die.
- SMI: Supplier Managed Inventory : the supplier has access to the inventory and demand data for the customer.
- Solution space: The solution space describes the totality of all remaining possible solutions.
- Taylorism: Prescribing time saving movements of assembly line workers, but as well as the replacement of human labor by machines in order to achieve ultimately increasing productivity.
- Technology Push: Innovations are triggered by the company’s technology potential. What this potential enables is authoritative. The customer’s wishes are irrelevant.
- TPS: Toyota Production Systems.
- Value stream design: is the central tool for operational improvements in production.
- Value stream mapping: is a simple and effective method for determining today’s operational situation as well as analyzing included processes.
- Variant: a variant of a product emerges from a specific combination of different characteristics of the product attributes.
- WFM systems: Work flow Mgt systems.
- WIP: Work in Process
- XYZ analysis : focuses on the predictability of the demand.