Itm 470 - Information Security Management - Recommendation on Doing Business in Ireland
Autor: Zachary Tanton • December 28, 2015 • Research Paper • 2,387 Words (10 Pages) • 1,186 Views
Zachary Tanton
Dr. Gordon Ramsey
ITM 470 Information Security Management
Recommendation on Doing Business in Ireland
Table of Contents
1.0 Executive Summary
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Objective
2.2 Background Information
3.0 Analysis
3.1 Basic Organization of Company in the US
3.1.1 Privacy Position
3.1.2 Confidentiality Position
3.1.3 Business Ethics Position
3.1.4 EULA
3.1.5 Corruption Index
3.1.6 Internet Freedom & Government Control
3.2 Foreign Country
3.2.1 Privacy Position
3.2.2 Confidentiality Position
3.2.3 Business Ethics Position
3.2.4 EULA
3.2.5 Corruption Index
3.2.6 Internet Freedom, Government Control, & Status of US Internet Companies
4.0 Conclusion and Recommendation
5.0 References
1.0 Executive Summary
Ireland is a wonderful economic opportunity for Tanton Tickets Online, LLC (Hereafter referred to as only “Tanton Tickets). This document explores in depth the possibility of expanding operations and positioning employees within Ireland. Ireland is a thriving country with policies and laws that make it an attractive place to do business online.
2.0 Introduction
Tanton Tickets is an online reseller of event tickets from around the world. Ireland has active music and sports scene which could be tapped into for an additional revenue stream. Other online ticket sites such as Hub Stub and Ticketmaster are already doing business in Ireland quite successfully.
2.1 Objective
The objective is to explore the online marketspace in Ireland to determine whether or not it would be profitable, ethical, and economical, to do business there. We will further explore whether or not placing employees with the country of Ireland itself would be a worthwhile endeavor.