Leasing or Buying Computer Equipment
Autor: Dalvi93 • February 2, 2014 • Research Paper • 1,964 Words (8 Pages) • 1,052 Views
Leasing or Buying Computer Equipment
Course project
Dalvi Herrera
Class: ENGL216
Upper Management,
This is my report “Buying or Leasing Equipment?” you requested for analyzing and recommending between the two of buying or leasing computer equipment. This report contains information about the price difference between them, advantages and disadvantages. It also contains background information on both leasing and buying.
It has been a pleasure and a challenge working on this report. If anything, please do not hesitate to ask me anything. Thank you.
Dalvi Herrera
Prepared for: Prepared by:
Upper Management Dalvi Herrera
DeVry College of New York Devry College of New York
180 Madison Ave #900 180 Madison Ave #900
New York, NY 10016 New York, NY 10016
DeVry College of New York needs to upgrade its computer equipment. There have been suggestions that leasing equipment could be more advantageous than purchasing the equipment but also, vice versa. I have been asked by management to investigate both options. I have to research on either buying or leasing computer equipment, noting the advantages and disadvantages of each. After my research, I have to offer recommendations to my management.
This report is about methods, analysis and conclusions between buying and leasing business equipment’s. Business equipment can be both bought and leased. I have compared the prices between both buying and leasing business equipment. I also compared the advantages and disadvantages between both. I have concluded from the results that it all depends on what your financial business plan can afford. Both buying and leasing have their ups and downs, but it really comes down on what you can afford. Equipment prices and business are always changing. This can cause the prices of both buying and leasing to increase and decrease. It is best to plan out on what your business wants to spend.
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