Scenario of Solar Power and Policy Formulation in India
Autor: Arnav Shah • September 29, 2015 • Research Paper • 3,202 Words (13 Pages) • 1,118 Views
Good Morning / Afternoon to one and all present here,
Hello I am Arnav Shah , I am a student of ICFAI Business School i.e. IBS Hyderabad,
Currently i Am an Intern here.
i am here to present on the topic “ Scenario Of Solar Power and Policy Formulation in India.”
First of all I would like to thank My Mentor Mr. Ravindre Das for giving me this valuable opportunity to Intern Under him and ,under his guidance.
I would also like to thank the team under him and especially Sakshi Sharma and Ruchika Bhardwaj for helping me thoughout my internship here.
Slide1 Before going on to solar power a brief decription of Scenario of Renewable Energy
1 What is Renewable Energy ?
Renewable energy is energy that is generated from natural processes that are continuously replenished. This includes sunlight, geothermal heat, wind, tides, water, and various forms of biomass. This energy cannot be exhausted and is constantly renewed. And is eco friendly
2. Renewable Energy at Global Level
On a global scale, the renewable energy contributes to 19% of final energy consumption of the world with Global Installed capacity of 1560 GW at the end of 2013
China has the hiegest share in Installed capacity of Renewable Energy . China contributes apporx 24% of the total installed capacity in in the world.
In United States, the share of renewable generation rose to nearly 12.9% in 2013, despite a drop in hydropower output and competition from cheap natural gas from shale.
Source : Renewable 2014 Global Status report
Slide 2 : RE At India Level
In past few years, there has been an appreciable growth in Indian renewable energy sector that encouraged the investors to invest into this region.
The cumulative grid interactive power capacity of renewable energy has been increasing tremendously and the installed capacity stands at 34,351.39 MW as on 28TH Feb, 2015. which contributes 13.32% of total installed capacity in India.(Source : MNRE Website)
So we can saftely say that Renewable Energy Source of Generation is still in development stage in India.
Slide 3: Potential
The total renewable energy potential from various sources in India is 2,49,188 MW. As on 31st March 2014
It has been able to achieve only 12.95% of its renewable energy potential. The untapped market potential in India shows huge growth potential for renewable energy in India.