Geologic Field Guide of Ny Free Term Papers
Last update: August 10, 2015-
Economic Political Study Guide
Economic political study guide 10/11 Dutch disease: Holland Sudden make a currency value↑, to make the export出口↓ 1970‘’ Dutch is lucky face North Sea, they have oil and gas, but it develops to a disease What happen? When they get rich-their currency become value↑-export出口↓ People think it is great place to invest, because their currency ↑ Dutch: oil, agriculture , beer ship all around the world 荷兰病(荷语:Hollandse ziekte)是一个和自然资源与经济发展相关的术语。是指由于出口自然资源,导致货币汇率上升,因而工业出口减少、国内制造业衰退的现象。 在经济学中,荷兰病是特定行业(如自然资源)经济发展的增长与其他行业(如制造业或农业)经济发展的下滑之间有明显的因果关系。推定机制是,由于行业的增长(或外援的流入)增加收入,与其他国家的货币相比(汇率以某国货币/其他国货币的形式显示),某国家的货币变得更强(升值)。这导致某国家其他行业出口为得到其他国家购买变得更昂贵,而进口(购买其他国家的)更低廉,使得某国家的这些行业竞争力降低。 虽然它最常指的是自然资源的发现,但也可以指“导致其他国家的货币大量流入的任何发展,包括自然资源价格急剧上涨,外援和外国直接投资”。[1] How to deal with it?
Rating:Essay Length: 2,525 Words / 11 PagesSubmitted: April 18, 2019 -
Marketing Research Study Guide
Marketing Research EXAM: 1 QUESTION FROM EACH PART No pre-testing slide 2-283 Skip 345, 346 No part 28 Not relevant: Statistical tests Structure of research report ON EXAM: Types of errors Familiarize yourself with mini cases (total of 2-3) Causality Coding is important, but no software Sampling is important Measurements, scales etc Descriptive statistics, central tendency how to measure etc. Be familiar with titles of slides, they will be key indicators for what they are
Rating:Essay Length: 11,575 Words / 47 PagesSubmitted: April 28, 2019