Mussolini Dbq
Autor: zgordon22 • March 6, 2016 • Essay • 301 Words (2 Pages) • 885 Views
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- This decree is purposeful for the Fascist agenda by supporting families in need of help birthing or raising their children, basically earning their support of the Fascist revolution in return.
- Economic status influences family size because a couple that does not have a large amount of money will not raise a large family because they would not be able to effectively provide for their family.
- The factors which influence peoples decision to have fewer children are their current economic status, and their desire to increase their economic status.
- He views the policies in a very negative and sarcastic way which is blatant by his use of sarcasm such as when he said Mussolini is going to have all slender woman put in front of a firing squad.
- According to Mussolini, work gives women a dangerous sense of independence and entitlement.
- The opinion about motherhood expressed is that motherhood is vital for the thriving of Italy.
- She despises them to a great extent.
- The main cause of declining birth rate is women were becoming more and more modernized and independent which resulted in them being hesitant to get married and be bound to a family.
- The law code influenced population growth to greatly increase since the availability of contraceptives is now scarce.
- The facist party made sure birth rates went up, however they didn’t make sure families were able to provide for their newly born children which greatly negatively impacted them.
- The photograph exemplifies the facist population policy because the family is very large.
- Population growth greatly decreased under facism. The thing that is accountable for this is the fact that women were turned off to the idea of being stuck at home wives bound to their children and husband. They strived to be modern and independent working women.