Organizational Change
Autor: ybnlcbm • March 30, 2012 • Essay • 348 Words (2 Pages) • 1,824 Views
At some point all organizations go through some sort of change just like individuals do within their personal life. The reasoning behind the change can be a result if numerous things. Normally organizations go through change in order to among other things. Some examples of the reasons for change are: Process Innovations, financial changes, External forces, growth and cultural changes. Some of these changes I have had the pleasure of experiencing first hand.
For instance process innovation is one of them. When organizations grow normally the technology has to changes. They normally examine how they are currently doing things to see if they can find a better way to increase production and profit for the company. The changes may be found in how a company tracks its inventory or even how they communicate within the office. For me at my current place of employment my immediate supervisor has been hinting around for several months that they may be automating some of our processes. From a company standpoint that is great news. It allows the company to spend less money on ordering and processing of medical records but from an employee’s standpoint it will mean a decrease in the amount of work that is available for us to perform which in turn could lead to layoffs of employees. The streamlining of processes is something the company has done many times in the 4 years that I have been with them however only once has there been a layoff.
Organizational Change Paper 3
The financial change that my company has experienced is much like that of many others in today’s economy. The revenue that the company once grew accustomed to they noticed slowly started to dwindle away. From that point the company has to examine the cost associated with doing business. The largest cost for our company to date is labor cost. Staff reduction has been done only once through the companies 75 year history along with staff reduction there was organizational