To Bomb or Not to Bomb
Autor: jon • June 23, 2012 • Essay • 310 Words (2 Pages) • 1,262 Views
Historian A believed the dropping of the Atomic Bombs by the United States was wrong and unjustified. The writer believed USA was pulling a power move against Russia by utilizing Japan to do so. The Japanese was nearly defeated in the summer of 1945, by the American planes and ships which consequently stricken the island without a response from the Japanese (Chaffee, 2009, 2012, p. 208). The Japanese were willing to surrender at that time and coerce the Russians to immediately surrender which U.S. had knowledge. In addition, the United States had intercepted messages between the Japanese and the Russians, but decided to make use of the bombs. Subsequently, although the U.S. wanted unconditional surrender, the Japanese chose to save face and possess their Emperor where in the end it became a fact. Furthermore, this was one more way to display the bombs were a scare tactic to retain Russia from entering the war in Asia and spreading communism to other countries.
As a result, the facts are the military leaders opposed the attack, and the exploitation of the Atomic bombs. According to, Admiral W. D. Leahy said "It is in my opinion that the use of these barbaric weapons at Hiroshima and Nagasaki are of no material assistance in our war against Japan, the Japanese were defeated and ready to surrender" (Chaffee, 2009, 2012, p. 211). Such evidence by the Secretary of State Byrnes stated "dominating and demonstrating the bomb would make the Russians more manageable in Europe" (Chaffee, 2009, 2012, p. 211). In addition, each fact presented was not used to end the war but rather to intimidate Russia; even according to The Air Force Chief of Staff Lemay affirms "The atomic bomb had nothing to do with the end of the war" (Chaffee, 2009, 2012, p. 211).