Anne Boleyn
Autor: johnsoney • July 4, 2011 • Essay • 1,841 Words (8 Pages) • 2,021 Views
Work Cited
Bevan, Richard, “Anne Boleyn and the Downfall of her Family,” 2001 http// (29 August 2003)
"Boleyn, Anne ." The Columbia Encyclopedia . 6th ed. Columbia University Press. New York, 2000.
“Boleyn, Anne,” Encarta Online Encyclopedia. 2003. Microsoft Corporation.
Eakins Lara E., “Anne Boleyn The Most Happy,” 1995-2002. (21 August 2003)
Gavin, Nell, “Threads: Reincarnation of Anne Boleyn, Anne Boleyn’s Birthyear -1501 or 1507?,” 2001 ( 21 August 2003)
Hanson, Marilee, “Contemporary Descriptions of Anne Boleyn,” 2003. (8 August 2003)
Lindsey, Karen. Divorced, Beheaded, Survived: A Feminist Reinterpretation of the Wives of Henry VIII. Reading, MA: Perseus Books, 1995.
Warnicke, Retha. Anne Boleyn, Queen of England: RethaWarnicke unravels the evidence on the rise and fall of Henry VIII’s second wife. History Today Ltd, 2002.
The short lived life of Anne Boleyn and her rise to noble status and power and the controversy to her downfall as queen of England or not? Anne Boleyn, queen of England, second wife to Henry VIII. Historians in tales of gossip and truth alone still today study her reign as queen and her tragic death. You don’t know why it had gone so far as executing a queen. To be free of her as a wife, accusations by King Henry of treason, adultery and incest were brought to light. Controversy surrounded her birthyear, childhood, her physical appearance and her sexual behavior with other men including her own brother that were never found to be true. Through all her life up to her death in 1536 she was plagued by these misconceptions. She was a woman who born into status and power and a wanting for more led her into bitter grief and despair.
Anne Boleyn was the daughter of Sir Thomas Boleyn and Lady Elizabeth Howard. She had a brother named George and sister named Mary. Anne Boleyn’s birthdate is unknown, born somewhere between 1499 and 1507.
Biographers Alison Weir and Eric W. Ives more or less favor a birth year of 1501 based on Anne’s appointment as maid of honor to Margaret of Austria in 1513. One had to be at least 11 to be a maid of honor so, based on this, the very latest possible birth year would be 1502. (Alison and Ives)
Anne Boleyn was no commoner, she came from a family of royal status and power that was known throughout England. Anne was well educated and spent most of her childhood