Extremism Among Muslims - Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Autor: Kalid Hamide • May 8, 2016 • Lab Report • 5,091 Words (21 Pages) • 1,020 Views
Extremism among Muslims
Causes, effects, and Solutions
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Extremism among Muslims
Causes, effects, and Solutions
- Introduction
“Extremism” is a popular term that is used nowadays in media and most often is linked to Islam and Muslims. Every time a Muslim does a crime, terrorist action or illegal activity, the media quickly mentions the religion. While if someone else with different religion does the same action, the religion is never mentioned. This paper is neither dealing with the different standards that most of Medias nowadays have, nor dealing with the reasons why most of the Medias are deliberately trying to harm and deform the nice picture of Islam. Also this paper is not dealing with extremism in other religions and among other people but among Muslims. The purpose of this paper is discusses: (1) causes or drivers or seductions of extremism, (2) its negative effects or impacts or results and (3) solutions from the Quran and Alsunnha.
- What is Extremism?
According to merriam-webster (2014), “extremismis”: belief in and support for ideas that are very far from what most people consider correct or reasonable. Another term for extremism is “radicalism” which means the opinions and behavior of people who favor extreme changes.
In Arabic language extremisms means Ghuluw (غُلُو) which means the transgression of the limit. And in Sharee’a means the going beyond the legal limits set by Allah. It is the transgression of the Shari’ limit by adding something whether that thing a belief or a deed. So Allah has laid down limits with boundaries that no one is allowed to cross in their saying, acting or believing.