Health Policy, Health Systems and Health Outcomes
Autor: Chikodili Okereke • April 14, 2016 • Book/Movie Report • 1,354 Words (6 Pages) • 1,163 Views
University of Nigeria, Enugu campus
School of Post Graduate Studies
Faculty of Health Sciences and Technology
Department of Health Administration and Management
Course title/code; Introduction to Health System and Policy/HEM 535
A literature review; “Linking health policy to health systems and health outcomes; A conceptual framework” - Karen Hardee,Laili Rani, Ron Maclnnis, Mathew Hamilton of the health policy project
Okereke Chikodili C. PG/PGD/I5/76713
In a health system, policies and programs play an important role in health improvement through their influence on health factors as well as health outcomes. The finite and generally scarce nature of available resources for population health improvement creates an imperative for focusing on effective policies and programs. Health policy and programs directly impacts the health system which in turn affects the health outcomes. Thus the nature and design of a health-related policy will ultimately determine the overall outcome of care.
Review of literature
Focus; The literature under review presents a conceptual model which shows the link among health-related policy, health systems and health outcomes. It describes the flow from health-related policy development to health-related policy and program implementation and to health systems and health outcomes.
Method; The framework employed the stages of policy identified by Lasswell as heuristic model of policy which include; problem identification, policy formulation, decision making, policy implementation and evaluation-all situated within the context of an enabling environment. The framework was developed through extensive review of health policy and health systems literature with decades of experience in the policy areas related to family planning, reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, and maternal health.
Components of the conceptual framework
Enabling environment; This describes the set of interrelated conditions such as governance, social, cultural and economic factor that impact on the capacity of policy development actors; parliaments, ministries, regulatory bodies, firms, civil society, community groups, and private individuals- which affect the overall relationship of health policies and health outcome. the conceptual framework identifies the policy context as the initial step to achieving a successful health policy outcome.
Health systems and health outcomes; a health system renders various health services including coverage, access, financial coverage, stewardship and equity. These services are all rooted in the health systems building blocks as identified by World Health Organization (WHO) –service delivery, health workforce, information, financing, medical products and governance – all geared towards achieving improved health outcome. Health policies and programs are put in place to affect these services which in turn affect the overall health outcomes.