References and Literature Review
Autor: ie531 • June 9, 2015 • Dissertation • 786 Words (4 Pages) • 1,233 Views
% Jason Yobby
% Mohammed Abbadi
% Tsungyueh Lee
% ME 575 Advanced Fluids
% Final Group Project
% Sp 2014
% Dr. Sedar Celik
% This project applies the momentum, continuiuty and energy equations with
% the Darcy equation for fluid and heat transfer along red lava rock, aka
% scoria, with varying saturation levels.
%% ------------------- Setting of Constants --------------------------- %%
hold off;
L = 0.05; % Length (thickness) of sample (m)
rho_s = 1840.9; % Density of sample (kg/m^3)
rho_l1 = 999.7; % Density of water @ 283.15 K (kg/m^3)
rho_l2 = 996.95; % Density of water @ 298.15 K (kg/m^3)
phi = 0.65; % Porosity of sample (%)
WHC = 0.26; % Water holding capacity of sample (%)
k_perm = 6.81065e-11; % Permeability of sample (m^2)
g = 9.81; % Gravity (m/s^2)
H = 1; % Height of sample (m)
W = 1; % Width of sample (m)
mu = 1.307e-6; % Dynamic viscosity of water @ 10°C (kN s/m^3)
Pi = 120; % Fluid pressure at entrance side(kPa)
Po = 101.325; % Fluid pressure at exit side (kPa)
To = 283; % Entrance (outside) temp (K)
Ti = 298; % Exit (inside) temp (K)
Cp_l = 4.193; % Specific heat of water @ 283.15 K (kJ/(kg*K))
c_l = 5e-10; % Compressibility of water Pa^-1
c_s = 1e-9; % Compressibility of solid Pa^-1
hi = 8.3; % Heat Transfer coeff at inner wall (W/m^2K)
ho = 22.7; % Heat Transfer coeff at outer wall (W/m^2K)
k_l = 0.58; % thermal conductivity of water @ 25 C
%% --------------------- Velocity Equation --------------------------- %%
qh = -(k_perm/mu)*(6e3*(((1-phi)^2)/(phi^3)) + 3.5e2*((1-phi)/(phi^3)))
%% ----------------------- Diffusion Equation -------------------------- %%
% Dry Equation
Tsidry = 292.834;
Tsodry = 285.031;
x = 0:0.001:0.05;
Tdry = Tsodry + (Tsidry - Tsodry)*x/L;
% Wet Equations
Tsiwet = 291.378;
Tsowet = 285.571;
Twet = Tsowet + (Tsiwet - Tsowet)*x/L;
figure (1);
hold on
title('Temperature vs Saturation Level for Red Lava Rock');