An Assessment of Occupational Health and Safety Practices on Employee Job Performance
Autor: Sudath • August 21, 2016 • Research Paper • 8,305 Words (34 Pages) • 1,239 Views
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An Assessment of Occupational Health and Safety Practices on Employee Job Performance:
A Case Study of Taj Samudra Hotel
M. D. P. S. Mohottige
An Extended Essay report submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies,
University of Colombo,
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Postgraduate Diploma in Labour Relations & Human Resource Management
Sri Lanka
I certify that this Extended Essay does not incorporate without acknowledgement any material previously submitted for a degree or diploma in any university and to the best of knowledge and belief it does not contain any material previously published or written by another person except where due reference is made in the text.
Signature of the Student
M. D. P. S. Mohottige
3 March 2015
Signature of the Supervisor
Dr. M Sumanadasa, AIB, LLB, 2/20/2012MA, MPhil, PhD
Attorney at Law
It was understood apparently that a requirement of a comprehensive occupational health and safety which exceeding the boundaries of the security for employees and employers to third parties and other stakeholders. Management of most organizations have been incapable of placing sufficient health and safety measures in respective workplaces to protect not only their employees and management but also other stakeholders including customers. Health and safety should be the concern of each and every individual worker in the organization. Proper education and knowledge can only be accomplished when better education and training is undertaken. Though the hotel has regular training programs for enhancing the employee awareness of the health and safety, it is worthwhile to reassess the effectiveness of them.
Throughout the research work performed, it was noted that the management of the hotel has undertaken a considerable effort for enhancing the health and safety status of the hotel. But on the other hand, it was apparent some of the actions and precautions that have been addressed by the management are not adequate. And there should be further improvements on this regard. Safety committee, annual safety awareness programs, regular employees’ safety training programs, and health and safety management strategies are applied by the hotel to a greater extent with the involvement of the top management of the hotel.